Every single time a europoor posts something online

1  2020-04-26 by Kat_B0T


Does anyone have the pop pop pop meme?

God I wish I could overthrow the government with my armed militia

Gotta loicense for this comment? Three folks there just had a helicopter swat team descend on them, for three people meeting on a roof top lol

i think there was a study that showed that if u exclude black ppl's iq scores from the average american iq it rounds out to something around 120. second highest average iq only behind japan. smart ass japs


Most Americans are poor and so are more Europeans - but you get a lot more when you’re poor in Europe vs the US. That’s why neetdom thrives in Europe and Asia.

Don't forget Canacucks

I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.


  1. Every single time a europoor posts ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Enjoy the bleach treatment, Yankeedoodle

enjoy the archetypal redditor news feed 😎

Yeh, the stable genius only suggested that doctors look into injecting disinfectants. Not that everyone at home should inject them.

Oh yes and he was being sarcastic as well and said it just to see what would happen. 3d chess an that!

trump is a based god and ya'll fuck niggas can't handle it 😂 coming up with literal lies about injections and shit lol did you even watch the release? fatass bitch

Based on what retard?

based on the fact that he gets you so triggered that you invent a reality in your head that he said anything about "injecting" bleach just so you can be extra mad. no president past or future can approach those levels

some addied up businessman says something about checking out the possibility of using disinfectants inside the lungs and you can't just appreciate the quality riff that it is, instead you try to pick fights with an obvious troll account to try and feed your ego while lapping up whatever dumb redditors pour in your bowl *lap* *lap* <----- that's you nigga 😂

btw i bet you are a literal virgin. i bet that you're too scared to even type the n word even with a soft r because your brain is so broken. that's not even a troll, i literally believe that

*schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp*    *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp*    *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp*    *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp*    *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp*    *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp*    *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp*    *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp* *schlorp*

damn how did you do that

Woah, not gonna read your rant mate too long.

lol okay keep living in readit world where russians lurk politics and trump said inject bleach 😂😂😂 bitch ass hoe explains your beliefs a lot that you cant read more than a paragraph

I don't even understand what the hell you are saying since it seems to be some sort of ebonics but you do sound triggered. And for what? All i hinted was that Trump might not be a stable genius after all. That's enough to make you lose your shit. Hilarious.

damn you a racist cracka as well. figures. this subreddit is for 100% based MAGApedes so you might as well leave before you lose any more karma white boy. call me a nigger i dare you you'll see whassup 😂😂

Based on your gayness fag

I notice education never makes these smug lists. Why is that? Its the biggest thing holding america back

You’re beyond retarded my friend, are you European? You realize if you grow up without a dad education is the last thing on your mind right?

I can tell you were raised by women for sure

Tell me more about how fucking public school reformation is going to fix the culture, I’m in need of a good laugh. And do you really think European education is superior?

I have no idea what the fuck you’re saying. Dumb it down or stop @ing me nerd

I was sent here to enlighten the Gentiles. Meditation will change your life. You’re welcome.


Because the US has most of the world's top universities.

It also has the top hospitals and is the best country to be sick in if what you care about is getting better as quickly as possible, but that doesn’t stop europoors from saying the healthcare system is shit.

I know. I was wondering about the lower education part, like high school and earlier. Most of my friends went to private schools here and they seem mostly bright - or their retardation falls within deux spectrums - and then you have the chlorox munchers

With high school at least, over the last few decades standards have been lowered dramatically so that certain demographics could actually graduate and this has harmed others groups dramatically.

Maybe they should have left a few behind

Yeah, but that's racist and racism=bad.

The biggest (and fattest) thing holding America back is Americans

!basketballians, and tacocels!<

das rayciss

It is also trufh

Most people on welfare be white tho man

Women are not people.

Gotta a college degree, that shit is complete hogwash unless you do stem

that shit is complete hogwash unless you do stem

god’s own truth. My dumbass almost became a journo till my parents beat that shit out of me. In this economy, I can’t be happier that I did EECS like good poo boy

You could've been learning to code with a bunch of other out of work journos right now

Guess I just got a head start on my real career earlier 😂


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Getting a job at a company your parents know is your reason for existence right

Gotta get that inheritance son

All good brown boys develop Call of Duty games

dont work in tech but pew pew fun

Can you convince my poo gf to stop studying “society ethics and law” and that math is important

I dont speak african

What about law schools? 🤔

There’s been a glut of lawyers for the past few years so jobs prospects are becoming more meh. There’s also a bimodal distribution of salaries: a few top of class types make a ton of money, and the rest are making $60-70k Which isn’t terrible but it’s not the $1000/hr people imagine lawyers make. No I will not provide sources, fuck you

Checked your sources, you are right

I once looked at pay scale. Only maybe the top 10% made close to 6 figures. Less than a tenth made 7

Jesus. I feel like any tard who can write hello world can make at least 6

Developor is a hard and a time consuming job. You will feel like a legit robot if you become a robot

Bruh I live that life, this is the easiest shit. Maybe if I had to do cutting edge research, it would suck, but I make bank creating a glorified CRUD app

Yeah I honestly think people are just too retarded to even try, they just assume it’s hard. I’m a quant at a bank and even that isn’t anywhere near as hard as people think but they just throw money at us.

The easier stuff any retard can do, I was doing web dev at 16 and even that pays well. People just assume you’re smart and it’s like no I’m actually a fucking idiot, if they just tried to learn for more than a day they could pick up basic coding shit.

Honestly feel like most people would rather complain about how hard everything is and how everyone else is so lucky when really they’re just lazy.

How does quant compare to software dev? I'm always looking for more salary

It’s basically more stats and the theoretical side of computing. Say in dev you get given a requirement to build something, we’ll get given a requirement to prove a hypothesis.

If we have a theory that when reservoir levels are down water prices go up, we might create a model that analyses satellite data above a reservoir and compares it against pricing data, backtest that to see if we’re correct and if so implement it into our trading algos

Only if you go to a top law school.

What about finance

That's stem...

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Where is finance here?

mathematics. finance is literally just numbers. but i agree its still not stem

Finance is just a bunch of arithmetic. Unless you're doing something with Excel, when you may tell the computer to do some fancy schmancy regression analysis.

Finance isn't STEM, but it's not something you can really do if you're a retard with no grasp of numbers--For example, I'd never hire a portfolio manager who had no idea how macroeconomics and effective cost analysis worked, since they'd have no idea how to respond to change in international market supply and demands.

Meanwhile, I'd be surprised if a theater student could even properly plot a cross-section graph.

"statistics isnt math" lol what

Numbers aren't mathematics, they're arithmetic

stupidest thing ive ever heard lmao what

The little smatterers should never have been allowed into the hallowed halls.

I work at a bank and 90% of the people here aren’t doing any form of maths and if anything seem mathematically retarded



Britbong detected

Flairless Mong

Flairless mong detected

Lmao ask USCIS. They consider finance / econ stem. Actually I'm not 100% sure about finance but my econ degree counts as stem

Econ = science

Pretty sure it's math 🤔🤔

Got some wealthy relatives with CPAs, but the wealthiest relative (been a millionaire twice, been divorced twice...go figure) - just a business degree.

But then again that uncle could sell ice to eskimos.

The virgin STEM grad versus the chad business grad who never actually used his degree



Yes retard the sole point of a good education system is to get a degree. No wonder yanks are all stupid mongoloids with 0 social skills.

wrong we are stupid mongoloids with 0 social skills because we inbreed with cousins/siblings(/parents) get it right

>being an unironic STEMcel



now get my burger order before I shart on your face


go continue the development of the techno-industrial complex. Although not before opening the package I sent you


because I'm a STEM Chad I've created a robot to disarm your brainlet fart bomb (because that's all your ""brain"" capable of doing), and made a drone to find you and drop a bag of my hot sloppy turd on top of your head

Cope, because you are a STEMcel you have never done a day's labour in your life

As a result, I easily overpower you with my highly developed muscles and bumrape your for several hours straight

Says who?

Says me nigger. If you wanna talk shit you better be ready to fin a roll up or something idk

I love internet tough guys. Tell me more.

lol reddit moment

Ok zoomer

i'd rather be in my prime 20s than an gen x retard redditor trying to pick unironic fights on fucking deuxrama lmao. how does balding feel


Interesting you’d think that.

lol don't even pretend. real deuxchads never break character. i was with you at first but after that last one you're clearly just some autist. get those eggs together fag

Uh huh. Tell me more.

"uh huh" "uh huh" uh huh" that's what you sound like lmao. keep salvaging and suck my dick nigward 😂

Mmhmm. Continue.

Hey buddy, don’t stop, you almost got him! A few more hours of replying and surely he will deport himself 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸



To an extent but I also highly disagree with the European method of education particularly from around age 14 through higher education. You always hear about how poor American public education is in aggregate. While it’s true that most Americans are retarded, it comes from a freedom to choose. When I was in high school I took only AP (advanced placement) courses which were way more demanding, and discussed politics, literature, history and math in excruciating detail. For each class, there was a test at the end of the year to determine if you get credit. You could even take the AP test without taking the class if you pay for it (I did that with German Language & Culture). I actually spent two summers at a German Gymnasium (university-prep high school) and found that the classes weren’t really anymore in depth or harder than those I was taking back home in Texas. The point is, that was a choice I had in school (regardless of my grades, as long as I passed). Most kids, and their parents, don’t choose to study courses like that, and that would be okay if the American system didn’t pretend college degrees are the Holy fucking Grail. Now this is where Europeans get it right. Most euros don’t have a degree, and their society is much better off for it. I think I speak for a large percentage of americans when I say that if colleges became more selective about what degrees they’re giving out, then the US could easily have free higher education. Problem is: nobody wants to pay for 2 million Americans to study gender studies and then end up on welfare/unemployment.

Jesus sweet Christ, I made one, ONE offhand comment about education and you write this fucking essay. Say it simple or dont say anything

Fine. American secondary education is predicated on the student’s choice, whereas European education gives much more direction to its students. There’s pros and cons to this, but obviously it will result in Americans being dumber on average because the students choose to take dumb classes. The primary issue for the United States isn’t its education, but rather the value it puts on higher education (which is way too high).

Still not reading any of this but upvoted for realizing words are bad and problematic

Why does every rich asshole from China and Saudi Arabia still send their kinds to college in the US and not Eurostan if the education is such an issue?

Because the US has excellent colleges and universities. It also has a metric fuck ton of dodgy and overpriced ones, but that’s not what I was getting at.

I was talking about pre-university education, particularly in the public system. How else do you explain why so many layman americans are so bad at math? and everything else

When 40% of the population has a natural room temperature IQ it really hurts your numbers. Look at the average IQs of France, Sweden, and Germany dropping measurably right now as they bring in more “migrants.”

Sounds like problem you brought upon yourselves. I wish you luck

It 100% is.

Because Europe doesn't want college kids who will never integrate, and never learn.

Das rite. Europe only wants trans gay muslim children

naw they want exotic rapists

america has the best colleges in the world

Good job mr robot, you’re as predictable as the rest


shut up nerd


You ameritards wish you were allowed to use military equipment

You can buy a good amount of military overstock and decommissioned weapons. Compared to europoors, it’s a world of difference. My buddy has a suppresser on his AR and one of those Granada launcher attachments, obviously the grenades aren’t legal. He’s got some dummies that could be filled, but you need the loicense.

ARs are illegal now, enjoy your 2nd amendment being raped away by neocons, and demonrats

Source? I need a source. Do you have a source? A citation? Source?? No? No source? Sourceless? Then your argument is invalid. Next time bring a source. You know, a source. Source. Source sourcity sourcesource.

Wut I’m currently like building two hun

The Amerizeimers senate baned suppresors and automatic weapons not too long ago

Automatic weapons have been banned since the 30s and suppressor class 1 legislation failed, but it didn’t ban them.

This is completely false you faggot

the A in AR-15 stands for "Armalite" its a brand name just fyi

Oh wait I though i read AK 47 nevermind. Armalite sounds hebrew btw


Why do you even need guns in your daily life

Idk I’ve had a few pulled on me. As long as guns exist I want one tbh. As soon as they eradicate them I’ll turn all mine in tbh

living in a third world shithole where you get guns pulled on you

o I am laffin

Yup lol

Enjoy your niggerless wonder land while you still have it eurofag

Seethe and cope amerimutt

Eueopw will be steamrolled by China and Russia

lmao eurocels. just to give you some perspective, it cost me like $100 to get a mosin nagant bolt action rifle and a tin can of like 500 rounds of 7.62x54r and it took all of like five seconds to order it and it was delivered a day or two later. its so easy to get weapons here you fucking brainlet people literally own tanks and drive them through the streets but tell me more about how burgers wish they could use military equipment you complete moron bitch fuck shit on my balls FUCK

Oh really? How come I have never seen an amerincompetent with a tank?

because you have your head up your ass


Lmao that tank belongs in a muesem it is so old


"tank dealers estimate there are as many as 1,000 private tank owners in the U.S."


Ah that explains it. Only rich american jews own tanks

In America, they call those guys loyal patriots

Lmao what cucked ame4igoys.


The soviets got there before you amerilards

the луна missions were hilarious, they literally missed the moon completely on their first five tries.

another fun fact, the film they used to take a picture of the far side of the moon came from an american military spy balloon (project genetrix) that had been captured.

And they invented cordinates to the moon after they failed. No one accomplishes hard tasks on the first try amerirrogants. Btw Americans stole soviet space data and then went to the moon to flex on the entire world about how they were better at the space race than those damn commies

yeah true, the only reason we knew we would even be able to safely land on the moon and wouldnt sink into the regolith dust was because of the soviet landers, and tbh their gdp is like 1/6th of the usa and their engines from back then still outperformed all of the america engines in the 90's when we got our hands on some after the soviet union collapsed which is just ridiculous

No one accomplishes hard tasks on the first try amerirrogants.

Buzz Aldrin would like a word with you

Fake News

CEO of NASA is Indian

the administrator of nasa is who runs nasa you dipshit its some white guy named jim from michigan



And now what is going on with nasa? Absolutely nothing

correct. all they exist for now is to keep giving boeing and lockheed money. SLS is a complete joke of a program, and the james webb telescope is so many years behind schedule its pathetic

who put that flag on the moons? The germans NASA had to import because americans were too dumb to do the maths

the krauts didnt just invent rockets for us moron they helped improve rocketdyne's motor design which was already being used. my grandfather literally worked for von braun, there are tethers from a space shuttle solid rocket booster parachute in the garage randomly in the corner behind some boxes this is my literal heritage quit crying because you lost and have no moon flags fuck fuck fuck shit fuck why am i so fucking pathetic please kill me for posting this stupid shit

It's OK, if this is what stops you from an heroing I'm all for it



I noticed you dropped 5 f-bombs in this comment. This might be necessary, but using nicer language makes the whole world a better place.

Maybe you need to blow off some steam - in which case, go get a drink of water and come back later. This is just the internet and sometimes it can be helpful to cool down for a second.

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thank you im feeling better now

How does it feel to be beaten by the superior whites:germans in everyway possible anglo?

pretty bad ngl

You're an unironic furry literally shut the fuck up

Your flair makes this comment more real and funny

I'd delete your first post bud. You're only gonna get mocked

Muh post histories

I say again, you're a furry. I have no clue why you're even on this sub

Yes. I am. I love Deuxcels too. I have over a gigabyte of furry porn downloaded on my phone. And all the other gigabytes went to right wing subs lol.


Gay font

Superior European font


when the last sickly, hormone pumped cow dies and amerifats finally realise that no, 5.56mm ammo cannot in fact be eaten

Euros get the chair.

Americucks, americucks never change

Cope n’ seethetm

Lmao imagine not even being able to own a handgun. Wat do you guys do when ur in situations when you need to protect yourselves, and the cops are far away

Beat the shit out of them because I am not a pussy ass americuck that needs a gun to protect themselves lmao

I’m saying if those people have Guns? Seems like you’re in threat of literally any jag off with even a single shot shotgun that sawed off. I prefer weapons like bats etc, but most folks coming at u is gonna come with guns ime

I’m saying if those people have Guns?

How the fuck are they going to have guns if they are prohibited here ?


Bahaha I can’t tell if you’re a based American troll or a europoor that lacks any and all self awareness/common sense.

I am a based Eurochad , not an americuck lmao

So you were trying to bait me lol. Based, but it is gonna take a lot more nuance to bait me

I'm guessing you're about 110 pounds and balding. Nice cope.

Americuck mad

Cope, seethe and dilate

How can I be a mutt if I'm 100% pure American? Lol @ retards

It was supposed to be cuck, not mutt, idk why I wrote the latter instead

Cuz ur a retarded europoor

At least my wife isn't getting ravaged by bbc lmao

Wait no, I don't have wife, gussy is fucking disgusting

The mental instability of the europoor is showing, perhaps your inadequate healthcare has missed the prion eating your brain

Burger mad

The creature, now barely human, is reduced to mindless phrases and incapable of communicating beyond a 1st grade level


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Stop sleeping buttboy


imagine having guns, barely any school shootings and still more money than any ameripoor.


How does it feel to be forced to treat Albanians as your equals? Does it feel bad that a nation of low iq thiefs and beggars has taken over your country?

2.35 % Albanians vs 13% Nougats commiting over 50%

Like the us isn’t full of mexicans

Yeah it is and? More countries than one can be garbage.

Yes but there are some that are more garbage

It is and I seethe every day because of it.

Stop seething so much. It makes you vulnerable to corona


Barely any school shootings

Have fun being niggerless as long as you can yodeling krauts

I'm not even Swiss, my mixed race friend.

What are you? A gypsy?

Brb scanning my aryan certificate

Not a complete bad point, I respect the swiss for their somewhat conservative view point on guns, but they aren’t even an iota as right wing on guns as burgers are

Firearms regulation in Switzerland allows the free acquisition of semi-automatic, and—with a permit—fully automatic firearms, by Swiss citizens and some foreigners with permanent residence. The laws pertaining to the acquisition of firearms in Switzerland are in many respects more liberal than most nations. A reason is not required to own a gun unless the reason is other than sport-shooting, hunting, or collecting. Permits for concealed carrying in public are issued sparingly. The acquisition of fully automatic weapons, suppressors and target lasers requires special permits issued by the cantonal firearms office. Use of hollow-point and soft-point ammunition is limited to hunting. The applicable federal legislations are SR 514.54 Federal Law on Weapons, Weapon Equipment and Ammunition of 20 June 1997, and SR 514.541 Ordinance on Weapons, Armament Accessories and Ammunition of 2 July 2008. The Weapons Law recognises a qualified "right to acquire, possess and carry arms

Everybody hates burgers except for rightoid burgers. This meme is cope.

This is almost true, centrist burgers also don’t hate burgers.

Fair, I hate both burgers and europoors I’m just here for the cope


I wish this were accurate I really do

they are fat and they are proud.

Owning up to obvious, societal wide issues is based tbh

Burgers and guns, I like. But, damn dawg, have you been to Europe (or Asia or parts of Latin America)? They have crazy cheap health care... It's kind of nice tbh.

Probably because there doctors are shit

that mutt education


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Dunno. The docs were great for me. Docs are OK in the USA if I can ever schedule to see them via my crappy and expensive US health insurance.

inject some bleach, balding junkiemanlet lmao

Gonna eat a cheeseburger, go to the shooting range, and then spend a lot of money on hospital bills for my heart attack from said cheeseburger.


I sure love bein' a 'Murican, yes sirree.

Tbf I would love for guns to be legal on my country. I don't go to school there are literally no downsides to legalising guns

You mean Eurorich and Ameripoor. Having guns doesn't mean a better quality of life. Statistically most European nations one up America in that aspect. Americans are delusional and brainwashed.

Bravo six going DEUX.

Amerimutts when they realize being 20% Irish 20% Anglo 20% Dutch 20% Swedish and 20% French doesn't make them "supreme aryan" but instead a nation of mongrelized mutts.

Its not about alt right crap it’s about freedom


Imagine being against freedom lol. Europoors 😂

Amerimutts seething

Lmao how so 🤔

What makes America freer than the most free European nation?

Nothing, because on the press freedom index, the democracy index, the where to be born index etc. Europe os leading.

Oh true, because they are ranked lower. Cheers for that Amerifat.

Your forgeting 1% Black and 1% Indian