this post blew up overnight, I see you kings know what to do

1  2020-04-27 by Severan_egyptian


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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here is the post if you wanna fight Simps in comments

We’re doing drugs. If i wanted to hear “don’t do it man” or any other sort of social stigma about wanting to put meth in my ass I would have asked my mom what her thoughts were. Obviously if I’m ready to put meth in my ass and I want to know whether or not I should take a shit first, I’ve already made up my mind. It’s going up there.


  1. this post blew up overnight, I see ... -,

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Hey, that is offensive to Fiona

I'm sorry that I did this to Fiona