Warning ... More Boomer Spam !!!

1  2020-04-27 by I_Still_Piss_The_Bed


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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i watched jurassic park the other day

it was a total mayofest, i couldn't believe what i was seeing

samuel l jackson's arm had a cameo though

but it the fat guy from seinfeld!

haha nah the fatty got yeeted by the slime-spitter in the jeep

SLJ went to the shed alone and the clever girls left his arm for the blond foid to find

"Alexa, schedule an extra dose of soy tomorrow. I'm feeling toxic." ๐Ÿค’๐Ÿค’๐Ÿค’


  1. Warning ... More Boomer Spam !!! - archive.org, archive.today

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I don't mind as long as it's not "in your face" kind.

You need to turn that Rationalism into Radicalism brother ๐Ÿ˜Ž

How do I do that brother?

Did you just read my bio and just assumed?

No I saw your comment and thought wow that is a rational response. Then I thought only weak willed nondeuxchads are non-extremists. Start by reading the works of Uncle Ted and the path becomes clear. Inshallah.

Dude ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm not American, please don't make me one, also I don't know who uncle Ted is, nor do I care, as for the rest, what's wrong with being rational? I'm entitled to my opinion, I like things I like, no need to force me into things I don't like, simple, rational.

Not american. ๐Ÿ˜”

Awful lot of euros posting around here lately.

Uncle Ted is the closest to christ reincarnated so watch your mouth euro. It is 2020 wake up start stockpiling weapons and picking up an extremist ideology to follow. Stop dicking around pussy footing dipping your toes in the water and dive in.

I'm not euro either, I'm Indian.

Uncle Ted guy seems like a weirdo, hope they don't get another KKK movement.


Please don't drink bleach. BTW we're already a superpower, no need to be certified by a racist, white supremist.


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No there are only two people on internet Amerimutts and Europoors

Nice of the rich saudi princess to let a lowely random kuffar slave use his computer



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Yikes...you're clearly a rapefugee unwilling to assimilate into our culture... I suggest you leave before you're forcibly removed ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ 

Are you a fucking moron! Get your shit together, I'm not fucking American, nor do I care, I'm a residential Indian, although it doesn't make any sense to you racists.

I didn't call you American, I called you a rapefugee. So not only are you a rapist, you're illiterate too... yikes!

You're a fucking retard! Why the hell I'm arguing with a racist! This is the fucking lowest point in my life replying to you. Now I understand why your kids grows up becoming communist, that's because of that rotten blood. Racist parents and their parent-hating communist kids. First you go save them then inject Lysol later.

Oh no the illiterate rapist is mad ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ someone call the waahmbulance, he's upset and rambling incoherently ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Thatโ€™s how I feel about the minorities, but I refuse to watch anything with a young woman as a central character. Thereโ€™s nothing worse or less relatable

What's exactly wrong with a young woman as a central character?

Watch such a show and get back to me

simping for gussy on doodoorama

I didn't knew subreddit belongs to retarded people.

People with disabilities deserve safe spaces where they can be left alone without ableist rapists like you ruining everything. Shame on you

Calling someone rapist without a base, you don't know my ethnicity, my culture, and you're already judging me. White power right?

Conveniently dodging your ableism, typical for rapist scum, no respect for others

This is fake, if the movie is full of foids and minorities it can't look cool

I beg to differ. The hollywood meme is to spend money buying an IP like Star Trek or The Watchmen then make it woke. People who like woke don't want to watch star trek, people who like star trek don't want to watch woke. This maximizes the money lost; which must be their objective for some currently unknown reason.

I thought the new watchmen was anti-woke?

Black Dr. Manhattain

Racist white men being beaten up and thrown around the room by 120 lbs females.

No love, it's not anti-woke.

And the government is a facist state run by a hollywood actor/sjw where the minority-dominated cops beat up white rednecks while wearing masks. Not woke at all.

The problem with Watchmen was that I can't tell if it's self aware or not, which is maybe what the writers were going for? I genuinely can't tell.

Like, clearly the government and the police are the actual bad guys. It's a racist, fascist government that frames a group of conspiracy theorists (who aren't even wrong, they believe the gov covered up Manhattan's involvement in the destruction of NYC, which is exactly what happened.) as white supremacists. But, watching the show, at no point was it obvious that they were actual white supremacists.

I mean, they were upset that their tax dollars were being used for reparations, and that they lived in a police state, but at the same time the show uses the most redneck, hillbilly characters possible to represent them, despite their concerns seeming perfectly valid.

So, that leaves one of two options. The show really was so stupidly one dimensional that Dr. Manhattan himself believed the greatest threat to humanity was a group of 30 redneck conspiracy theorists; OR the show actually had a self aware 4 dimensional plot that was meant to appeal to SJW types while actually poking fun at them the entire time.

Guess we'll never know.

OR it was that the powerful stay in power by playing the weak off one another. It wasnt about niggers vs rednecks at all... It was that you could swap the two and it had no impact on who actually runs shit.


The Watchmen series is what you would get if you let Twitter adlib a superhero show.

No, really, I'm not exaggerating at all.

The plot of the show was that the white supremacists want to turn themselves into Dr. Manhattans so they can become super racists.

Imagine if it got a second season and the supremacists got that power, could have called themselves Dr klanhatten

Wasn't Star trek always supposed to be woke? (I only watched new movies that fans hate)

Star Trek takes place in a future where human technology has advanced to that point that practically all resources are infinite, AKA a mystical universe where pure libertarianism and pure socialism could actually work and wokies could be happy with their free stuff. And even Star Trek's writers weren't able to imagine a universe where humans stopped murdering each other or hoarding resources.

So no, I wouldn't say woke. The main character is a chad who's only goal is to travel the universe smashing alien strange and shooting space minorities.

It's basically the tale of an East India Company ship captain, but in space.

even Star Trek's writers weren't able to imagine a universe where humans stopped murdering each other or hoarding resources

Or, that just makes for a boring ass show. Retarded nerd alert bwaaaaaaa

Star Trek is from a time long before wokeness was invented. It envisioned a future where men and women of all races could learn to get along with each other, which is exactly the opposite of what wokies want.

Star Trek is a COLONIALIST male fantasy about a WHITE man that orders around POC while he looks for different colored WOMXN to sexually exploit

at least captain kirk go laid a lot and punched someone on every show.

I blame the episode "Mirror, Mirror" and Barbara Luna for making me obsessed with pinays.

And there is a "prime directive" that forbids interfering with, or even contacting, underdeveloped races.

Who is this Supreme Santa?

Papa anomaly??

Are we Santa posting now?

your're just jealous

Man I love the santa post

Why are they โ€minoritiesโ€ if theyโ€™re a majority worldwide?

because only a minority of people want to look at them.

mayos are a minority on this earth, so it's vital that we find the few areas where they are a majority, and then eliminate that majority. ok?

Fucking King Arthur is gonna be black now. So absurd
