Just got my computer fixed and this hurts...

4  2020-04-27 by imnotanaziiswear


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r/coomer needs its own website, only then will it truly thrive.

Big rip coomers

they were just a bunch of fags so who cares.

Silence troid

No, I'm cute and valid, so noone's gonna silence me.

This but unironically, I just subscribed because they had some dank ass posts from time to time.

What made you think I was being ironic?

picture of a screen

Never post here ever again

From now on oil paintings only.

Enforce the rules jannies.

Reject modernity.

A photo of a web browser makes a lot more sense for this post

Could you chill the fuck out, I haven’t installed everything yet and I saw this so I did the normal thing to do and take a picture instead of using Snipping Tool, Zoomer.

doesn't know how to print screen

calls me a zoomer

Never ever post here again

I don’t want to buy ink😥😎

Ctrl-PrntScrn Ctrl-Esc Paint Enter Ctrl-V you dumb nerd.

What if he doesn't have paint at home, let alone a canvas.

His computer is now blocked from reddit. Not his ip, his motherboard id.


Imagine a community dedicated to bitch about teenagers fapping being so important to you you bookmark it

Ah shit, oh fuck, please don’t hurt my chaddd😳😰

They were bitching about themselves fapping lmao

And don't for get ((((them)))).


The jews made them beat it to loli futa hentai!

I remember they had a thread where a guy admitted to jacking it to anime girl mutilation in the past lmaooo

That's typical /dramachad though tbf.

yeah there was a huge projection overlap. but the funniest thing to me is that they attributed r/teenagers threads about porn to jewish plot. as if jews introduced the concept of horniness to teens lol

Now that's very suspicious that you seem to doubt that tbh - I'm afraid I must insist you post nose now.



  1. Just got my computer fixed and this... - archive.org, archive.today

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Ah, fun punching bag that was, for a while - then I got bored and stopped paying attention lol; any cool drama / incidents that happened around its ban, anyone know?

I was the same pretty much, I kinda stopped once they were just another coomservative subreddit.

The trite Christfaggery is where it got boring imo (aside from the fact that it ended up evolving in that direction, which was quite hilarious).

Agreed. Like working out, not eating sugar and reading i can understand but i don't think you should read 30 bible verses everyday + memorization.

you should leave it broken

But it wouldn’t have value if it was...😢🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


😭 😭 😭

Ah yes. The sub that talks about ethical ejaculation.