Based and neighborpilled

1  2020-04-28 by General_Shitty


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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He was just looking out for a brotha.

That’s called being a good neighbor. People act like it was so bad to provide good advice to your fruity friends and be like “hey bro don’t be so gay.” But that dude was black AND gay, people would have lynched him.

If only he was born a little later, then he could've been an alternative hip-hop/RnB artist with a cult following.

Frank Ocean is the only nigger faggot I tolerate

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

He's jewish too? I might have to reconsider my position


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It was a great ping. Bot seems dead tho.

Should* have lynched him

I can’t believe that mayo blocked him from getting bussy.

Mayos always be ruining a brother's dream

Getting a beard doesn't deny you bussy friend

Wasn't that one puppet in Make Believe Land the first openly lesbian puppet on television in America?

Literally everyone from the past is evil.

Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. Based and neighborpilled -,

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I didn't know Clemmons was gay, Blazing Saddles was pretty good.


Mister Rogers was pretty based

Based and neighborpilled.

Love your neighbour but not like that

Only a gay ass nigga would be caught with wonderbread-ass honky like Mr Rogers without playing the knockout game.

Negros always teaching mayos how to behave

The mayo saved a life, incredible

Considering the time of events this was actually some pretty good advice as bad as it may look to leftoids.

Note Mr. Rodgers didn't say "stop being gay," he said to find a wife and have kids to act as a beard so Clemmons could be gay on the dl. It wouldn't be hard to pull off. I'm sure most wives married to gay husbands know what's up and it probably sounds like a nice deal to a lot of women. This is what gay men did for the longest time cause it was their best option.

High IQ play would be to marry a lesbian so you’re both in on it

Nah, lesbos would stay home/have roommates

The move was to get fag hags that would then use it as a way to convince other guys that she's cheating on her husband just for them for the rush and get pregnant and have the gay dude raise it as if he had no idea it wasn't his, but she could also signal that she was such a good person for marrying him and protecting his "secret," while having the power to leave any time someone richer came along

Reddit: more anachronistic advice taken out of context

Being gay is a choice, not a bad choice in some cases, but a choice