Thread gets yalled to protect FRONTLINES.

1  2020-04-28 by morethanjustasloth


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Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. Thread gets yalled to protect FRONT... -,

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Lmao, what a bunch of pussies in the comments

reddit attracts faggots like moths to a flame

Nurses: twice the entitlement and half the usefulness of doctors

I mean that is the definition of a nurse tho, they help doctors

Useless thots

I literally just told you why they arent useless

Nurses are worse than useless your right


So, your rëtãrdéd?

While i do agree that nurses arent great as doctors, but you still gotta show em respect

No, I don't.

You will improve one day

Well meme'd friendo. I almost bought your loser liberal act.

This is why AOC won


I have been taken by a meme account, bravo.

..this seems familiar

Because it is, dont mind the account switch please, reddit y'all-ed that account

Holy shit being so liberal that reddit actually b&'ed you... how is that even possible?

I threatened someone as a joke and reddit took it seriously i even posted the link in my profile if you wanna check it out

Shoulda signed it in minecraft my dude. Rookie tier mistake

1418 points1 days ago

I wish I could non ironically give you 70 updoots - but since I absolutely don't violate reddit rules law (ahem Trust and Safety team) I guess I'll just say well meme'ed friend

Its alright i guess i lost my 500k karma account too

Appeal to the super jannies at Reddit HQ, let them know you're a leftoid they should unban you. It's a special feature for leftoids.

Nah, its alright, ill be extra leftoid with this account


Half, you're giving them way to much credit

Yeah i rounded

A whole thread dedicated to shitting on nurses during a deadly pandemic? Yeah, this is going on r/trashy

Snappy? Is that you?


Thank You For Your TikTok Service - Says no one.

Tik Tok is tankie spyware posing as social media. Every time it's downloaded, an Uyghur gets re-educated.

You call yourself a DeuxChad, yet why haven't you downloaded it yet?

The chinks are laughing all the way to the bank. First they create the virus, now they can watch nurses not treat people stricken by it. Absolute Chad's


People unironically calling it 'frontlines' is the worst thing in there

Start a war with North Korea with women-exclusive platoons to show them real frontlines

Fucking jannies always ruining the fun. For real though I want my freedom back if these nurses just sitting around making tik toks all day


Misogyny if I had to guess. Nurses are fucking amazing people for real. They have to deal with the absolute worst shit you could imagine. Yet they’re the best coworkers I’ve ever had.

"I love my female coworkers," said no woman ever.