Bongs coping hard over losing their loicence to slap booty

3  2020-04-28 by Toe_of_Patriarchy


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What if a foid gets raped by a shitbull?

uhm sweaty, pibbies are the most gentle lovers, what are you trying to imply?

They're called 'Staffies' over here.

Educate yourself on the fully automatic canine assault arsenal. ☝️

Meanwhile "asian grooming gangs" get their name protected from the media, after the authorities turn a blind eye for years. Awesome country, 10/10 would recommend!

That's because the UK has no power over Allah and the kings that follow him.

government also refused to publish the report into how this was handled because ‘it wouldn’t be in the public interest’ despite a petition with over 100,000 votes asking them to publish it

genuinely think the bongs have the least amount of freedom out of all European countries except Belarus maybe

You need ID to buy cutlery. You can't buy acid. You get arrested for saying that a tranny is a man on Twitter.

It's cultural I guess. They have things like ASBOs which are total bullshit (from a legal standpoint).

📸 *SNAP*

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Buyers are a protected class

I legitimately dont understand how "banning defenses" can even be a thing in legal systems that claim to be impartial.

Take the "gay panic defense" for example. It has never been a legitimate defense, I.e. using it has never successfully led to a not-guilty verdict. Because that would be obviously nonsense, nowhere in a law does it justify or excuse killing a person. But what it means is that you cant even try to defend yourself with it. Forngay panic that's mostly indirect, getting a murder reduced to manslaughter because you weren't of sound mind due to your gay panic or something.

But for this it is blatantly ridiculous. Not being able to claim a defense would mean that you can be legally imprisoned for a crime youevidently didnt commit because you were prevented from introducing that evidence. So if your partner actually likes rough sex, and during it he accidentally dies from asphyxiation like John carradine, you would still be sentenced for murder, even if there was video evidence of it.

Of course it’s absurd but bongs don’t have a constitution so if their parliament passes this law I’m not sure it can be struck down, especially considering they’re likely to leave the ECHR and repeal their Human Rights Act...which I’m not sure prohibits this anyway

True true. Good lord, bongs are really trying to test if it's possible to sink an into the ocean island through sheer retardation.

which I’m not sure prohibits this anyway

Eh, I dont see it holding up to the right to a fair trial, if it got challenged. The ECJ has struck down much milder laws.

Side-note, ECHR has nothing to do with the EU but with the separate CoE (council of europe), and cant really do more than complain anyways. And I dont think bongs are leaving the CoE. Unless you ment the ECHR, in that case sorry for smartassing.

Did my dissertation on EU’s potential accession to ECHR sweaty 🙄

What I don’t know is UK’s framework to strike down a law pursuant to a ECtHR ruling. Probably doesn’t exist now that I think of the right of prisoners to vote case.

This will never get past the lords. It's pointless posturing from the impotent government trying to act tough on crime.


Amendment 28: Male citizens of the United States must be forced to take HRT and sissy hypno, daily.


Thank god the nobility is there to save Bongistan once again

There's literally zero chance this comes anywhere near passing


lmao what is common law???? 😂😂🤔🤔😂🤔😂😂

So I’ve noticed there is a lot of people who are extremely insecure about their height, and I think it’s insane!

I believe short men are much more attractive than tall men. I believe around 5’ and 5’5 is the perfect height for men.

For instance, the shorter you are, the easier you are to pick up and have anal sex. Guys who are tall usually weigh a lot more, and are harder to adjust it properly. In my experience men who are short also tend to be cuter than taller men, though that’s not a fact, it just happens more often that I see a cute small guy.

The weight is a major benefit, the fact that you can be 110 lbs without being super skinny is awesome. I can appreciate a man who is in shape but isn’t going to break my back trying to lift.

In conclusion, be happy about your height


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