One of the best cope subs I've seen in a while

1  2020-04-29 by Schr1mpy


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I will always miss that sub

Azn identity and such may be ricecel cope subs but watching them dunk on sexpats and such is very entertaining.

I fucked a bunch of jap hoors in my time at base but a 5’5” guy said I was bad on reddit

I got a chinese gf just to spite internet ricecels.

Disavow. Ancestor cry.

i hope you only have hot happas daughters bro because the males will be elliot rodger.

And for all that impressive effort, the sexpat is still blowing loads in flip girls of questionable age while the ricecel cries on reddit.

They’re pretty funny. Sadly /r/justbewhite got banned

When you come home to your girlfriend fucking your dinner

Just lol at some 5-7 pan face framecels coping online by posting porn while eating bats.

It’s like muh dick except they don’t even have that going for them

Nose checks out.

If only that had been Elliot Rodgers

Who cares; so long as she aint bringing more spear chuckers into the world then race mix away.

Well, Elliot Rodger was half-Chinese, so i guess this will eventually "trigger" a mass shooting a decade later.

Race mixing should be illegal and punishable by death od both parents.All mix raced babies should be aborted.This isn't even fucking satire I hate jews and niggers and faggots

White male/brown female should be mandatory as it will be funny.

No. Disavow. Ancestor puke and cry.

Bad bait

when you try to own whitecels but your success pisses off ricecels and hapacels more causing another rodger to arise

Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. One of the best cope subs I've seen... -,

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Why would I care about a race mixing Jew lmao

I know. (Clears throat) NOSE CHECK

I have a thing for Asian dudes so maybe I'm biased but I why do they seem so fragile in their masculinity and looks when a lot of them are very handsome?

why do they seem so fragile in their masculinity and looks when a lot of them are very handsome?

Uhh because most women greatly prefer BWC over Asian men. That sub is just trying to cope with the cold hard truth.

y r u gay

I was exposed to dick rainbow radiation as a child.


It's because of needing someone to hold him

Father and mother issues. Asians are father and mother issues boiled down and then given form.

Severely low t

why do they seem so fragile in their masculinity and looks when a lot of them are very handsome?

It doesn't matter if you look good or not when your self esteem is fucked. See: all foids

when a lot of them are very handsome?

What did you mean by this?

He's gay, different standards. I hear they face similar troubles to a lesser degree even if they're gay though.

Asian masculinity

Where? I’ve never seen it.

Where are all the white girls at, all I see are fucking slavs and i'm not about to bust to some fucking slav gettin riced.

About one-in-five intermarried couples in the US includes a Hispanic husband and a white wife

It's because Mayo foids have forgotten how to cook, so they marry Jose for his delicious tostadas, tacos, and empanadas. (I write that like as if I have a fucking clue about Latin American cuisine, which as an anaemic pasty-faced haggis basher, I clearly haven't).

My wife? She’s asian o_0

Broken branch. Ancestor grave rotate.

Ancestor seethe


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Whoever made this ought to have his frail jaw fragmented on the curb of a secluded service road.


File a report with the site admins under the 'contact us' link. It's just a spam bot that produces nothing of value

That is true but it still produces more value than you, and we don't report you, do we?

That was retarded


Not Allow

Posting ricecel cope is low effort 😒😒😒

without OP's post I'd have never found this photo.

TIL Asian males have their penises on the back of their heads

Yikes... Sorry man, I'd have told him not to post that if I had known it'd hit so close to home

I'd be tempted to post opposite pairs on there but don't want them to lose it and go cho.

Cho ching chong chimp out bing bong bang

I don’t get it, who actually gives a shit about race mixing? Especially enough to make a whole sub to seethe about it.

Rightoids and hapacels

A majority of this sub seethes over it

I usually see a majority of this sub seething over anyone seething about it tbqhf. You guys always chimp and start downvoting like basic bitch plebbiters.

Ricecels and paythetoll-cels regularly crypost about it

Well considering that it is actual genocide against whites I’d say it’s worth seething over.

If you think that choosing to fuck someone of a different race is genocide against you’re own people then you’re a fucking retard

It absolutely is. White birth rate is declining as is thanks to feminist dogma being used to brainwash younger generations by the left, and with the mass influx of immigrants to western countries the whites are becoming more and more marginalized in their own countries to the point where they will eventually be wiped out due to racial mixing. It is systematic elimination of white western culture by the leftists.

niggers and spics and chinks and Arabs living rent free in the rightoid's head

I'm glad wh*tes are getting wiped out. Most degenerate race by far, producing the majority of trannies, incels and retards

Trannies are mentally ill but can be cured.

But why is it so prevalent among wh*tes? It's almost like they have a propensity for being degenerates susceptible to being brainwashed by porn... like some kind of lesser creature

um based

Fuck you nigger. Whites are the master race who conquered and subjugated the world. You call whites degenerates but the niggers are the real degenerates. Violent, murdering, raping, pre marital sex having degenerates who live off of government welfare because they’re too lazy to work much less hold a job.

chimping out

Who's the nigger here sweaty?

Also you didn't answer why wh*tes are subhumans who can be turned into trannies. Are you sure you're not just a frustrated sissy in the closet?

Whites aren’t naturally prone to degeneracy. The reason there are many whites who believe themselves to be trannies is because of the leftists in the government and the media who have normalized this degenerate behaviour and have brainwashed our youth into believing faggot nonsense. If nigger or sand nigger or what have you countries enforced faggotry in the same way the west does there would be more niggers who believe themselves to be trannies.

Lmao got his pasty ass

blacks aren't violent, it's socio economic factors

whites aren't degenerates, it's socio political factors

who conquered and subjugated the world

Violent, murdering, raping, pre marital sex

So you just said blacks are doing now what whites did in the past or, basically, you just said that blacks are the master race now.

I did not say that. When the whites did it it was in the name of a glorious empire, it was civilized war. The niggers have primitive brains and are incapable of understanding fighting for a cause that isn’t the reward of dopamine they receive from murdering whites.

Well, if they are murdering whites and not the other way around then they are the master race. You are grasping for semantic straws.

If niggers were the master race they would Have colonized Europe not the other way around.

Isn't Europe being colonized is a main rightoid boogieman these days?

This guy keeps talking about preserving the white race, but he posts on incel subreddits lmao

I believe the only incel sub beyond salvation is r/menslib.

It is. That’s because the blacks have piggybacked off of white mans technology and are viewed as equals by the establishment.

Imagine doing all the conquests and technology discoveries just to let members of the real master race to live in a modern civilization without the need to do anything for it or even to work for living (and murder you when they feel like it). What a glorious time for our black overlords (who I welcome wholeheartedly btw).

Well I for one welcome the Mayocide and encourage its acceleration (not for less white guys, but for less white women, there are far to many in the world as it is and we need to protect our dogs), if it bothers you that bad, bro find a Foid go full Catholic and have a million babies just stop complaining about on the internet, nobody really cares.


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White women have been corrupted by feminism. They aren’t inherently the creatures that we see today that we call “women”. When they lived in a male dominated society they were kept chaste and under control but because of their “sexual liberation” they have become the cum brained creatures that they are now. As much as I hate women and how pathetic weak men have put them on such high pedestals I believe it is a result of our society and not a genetic fault within them. They need to be brought back under the dependency of men or else the white race will become extinct.

Based. Mayocide now and forever.

Too bad it's just meme rightoid genocide where it's just whining about birthrate instead of the real thing :(

Words words words words words. Shut the fuck up rightoid



You’re the one advocating for state enforced sissification of white men.

They don’t need the state to do it 😂😂😂

No I’m not, where the fuck did you get that idea?

Because of everything you just said.

MDEgenerates have psychosis confirmed

What is an MDEgenerate?

pretty much everyone who found this sub from AHS does

Tiny dick ricels who are insecure

Lmao no one is jealous of that chinky motherfucker look at that retards eyes lmao. He looks like he came straight out of those Dragon Ball z villagers

Needs more khazar milkers.

there's 1 dude constantly posting on that shit looks like brsigma lmao

Most asians are incels

when a lot of them are very handsome?

Alot of the butthurt Asian boys I see complaining are actually pretty handsome (at least from my point of view) so it boggles my mind why they're so fragile.

Low-t twig and a skinny-fat hole who’s begrudgingly settling. Many stories like it. Very sad!

This guy is significantly taller than the average asian by the looks of it.

Still a twig, but being a twig is a lot better than being a manlet.

twigs are great

OMEGALUL that sub. Even the biggest mayo supremacists only care about muzzies and basketball americans, literally nobody is worrying about chinkoids stealing white women. Cope at it’s most delectable.

This is a bizarre concept. Why would you be happy that someone of the same ethnicity as you has a white girlfriend? Imagine posting all day about strangers relationships.

Unrefigned 100% pure nuclear omegacope