Difficult question boomers love sending young people to kill Brown people a lot, on the other hand they're willing to destroy the economy and create all sorts of after effects at the slightest risk they may die a year early
The street shitters think they are entitled to have it both ways. When the statistics are positive for India, then the fact that 1/4 Indians literally cannot read don't matter and they are as just as accurate as American or Swedish statistics. When the statistics are negative, they aren't real, or if they are real then you can't actually judge India on them because poor and colonialism.
Does one of you fellow deuxcels know what's up with that jew-stripe version of the US flag lately? I've seen it posted a few times but every time I ask I get downvotes with no answer.
It just seems super subversive and creepy, like America has completely sold out.
Ok, then I'll just assume that America has finally succumbed to Israel and this is their new flag. It used to be "these colors don't run" and now it's "these colors don't exist anymore".
Pretty fucking sad I won't have a country to return to once this coronashit has worn off.
1 AutoModerator 2020-04-30
I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.
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4 WhiteMacht 2020-04-30
3 gardenmonkey 2020-04-30
Based on what?
2 Toe_of_Patriarchy 2020-04-30
Based on statistics
1 coldera_ 2020-04-30
1 PlasticXoomer 2020-04-30
1 section_sign 2020-04-30
< 3%
2 Frog_Refugee_2019 2020-04-30
Absolute state of amerimutts.
2 DrunkenRecidivist 2020-04-30
Nah brah we fucked those Iraqis up
1 strumyabird 2020-04-30
Iraq? More like Igotbombed 💣💥😲
1 Yeetsauce100 2020-04-30
Yeah whats the score like 5k to 1.5 million or something?
We've got like a 300:1 KD
1 pandeyji_ka_ladka 2020-04-30
for now
1 Yeetsauce100 2020-04-30
Yeah yall keep fuckin with the oil market and its gonna be 1000:1
1 AutoModerator 2020-04-30
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1 boyoyoyoyong 2020-04-30
We can't take all the credit for that we had help and let me tell you they are great dancers
1 watermark1917 2020-04-30
OBL killed 5000 Americans with his own two hands, pretty based.
1 LegitimateMail0 2020-04-30
The OO of this post is pajeet
2 ConnieP_XI 2020-04-30
Imagine if the US could eradicate the flu, but the tradeoff was that every year there would be another 9-11
2 strumyabird 2020-04-30
I accept those conditions.
1 UnalignedRando 2020-04-30
It would also mean getting of a dozen kebab yearly. Every little bit counts.
1 MillionsofDeadChapos 2020-04-30
If they exclusively target NYC then sign me up.
2 _NoHype 2020-04-30
And not even a different building, we’d have to rebuild a new World Trade Center every year and put it right back up again.
2 callmebrick0 2020-04-30
like every year it's a country wide challenge to build a bigger and better wtc
1 298347209384 2020-04-30
1 lenisnore 2020-04-30
I’m in NYC and I approve this message
1 Parking-Meeting 2020-04-30
Yeah, but you just wanna die :(
1 watermark1917 2020-04-30
And think of all the wars it would give you an excuse to start.
2 FroppyHoppyMyFloppy 2020-04-30
War is based
1 PanFiluta 2020-04-30
wow anti-Semitic
1 boyoyoyoyong 2020-04-30
Difficult question boomers love sending young people to kill Brown people a lot, on the other hand they're willing to destroy the economy and create all sorts of after effects at the slightest risk they may die a year early
2 KhazarDairyWorker 2020-04-30
DAE jerk off to "nothingburger" boomers dying by the thousands?
2 Rtoipn 2020-04-30
To quote Bill #6millionnotenough
1 SnapshillBot 2020-04-30
My sweet darling... I do miss you darling one and I want to feel your soft cool face coming out of that mass of pussy fur like I did last night.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 KangofHoteps 2020-04-30
Please consider buying my book: “Much Ado About Nothing: The 9/11 Story”
1 LegitimateMail0 2020-04-30
“India only has 1000 rona deaths”
Seethe harder poo boy
3 Infidel6 2020-04-30
Turns out Cholera, Smallpox, Leprosy, and the bubonic plague all kill you faster than SARS.
2 LegitimateMail0 2020-04-30
Imagine disrespecting ma boy tuberculosis like that and leaving him off the list smh
1 BalkanPartisan 2020-04-30
The street shitters think they are entitled to have it both ways. When the statistics are positive for India, then the fact that 1/4 Indians literally cannot read don't matter and they are as just as accurate as American or Swedish statistics. When the statistics are negative, they aren't real, or if they are real then you can't actually judge India on them because poor and colonialism.
1 pandeyji_ka_ladka 2020-04-30
1 RedditFan1387 2020-04-30
He would be unironically right in that case. Terrorism is not a threat. It's just an excuse to take away our rights.
On the other hand, COVID19 is the leading cause of death and will be for the forseeable future.
1 Jarvak69 2020-04-30
this is a really gay comment, and not the cool fashionable kind of gay either
1 watermark1917 2020-04-30
Down with rightists
1 LegitimateMail0 2020-04-30
And here’s why that’s a good thing:
dramacoin rose in economic import due to “burgers big mad x4400”
1 RedditFan1387 2020-04-30
1 whiteypoints 2020-04-30
Does one of you fellow deuxcels know what's up with that jew-stripe version of the US flag lately? I've seen it posted a few times but every time I ask I get downvotes with no answer.
It just seems super subversive and creepy, like America has completely sold out.
2 KangofHoteps 2020-04-30
It’s a way for boot-lickers to let the world know they’re on the prowl for cop dick
1 whiteypoints 2020-04-30
Ah, so it's a kink fetish thing. Pretty weird they co-opted the flag. They should have co-opted those pink triangles and made them blue instead.
Then worn two of them at opposing 180 degree angles.
1 LoliIsArt 2020-04-30
^ This has to be satire, if not then I will downvote you and not answer to your response
2 whiteypoints 2020-04-30
Ok, then I'll just assume that America has finally succumbed to Israel and this is their new flag. It used to be "these colors don't run" and now it's "these colors don't exist anymore".
Pretty fucking sad I won't have a country to return to once this coronashit has worn off.
1 CreepyPsycho 2020-04-30
You know the flu kills over 6 million people every decade?
1 MrKearns 2020-04-30
Those numbers don’t add up
1 FroppyHoppyMyFloppy 2020-04-30
9/11 didn’t happen