Ricerino uses no, no word ricecels not happy. (Sub is infinite entertainment)

1  2020-04-30 by ToonamiWasted


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Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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10-4 good buddy heard ya loud and clear, I'll get that concrete mix to you as soon as I'm done eating my early bird special at Denny's - oh, I didn't see you there, little millennial. Little millennial bitch. I used to buy crappy quality tools, shirts, and ladies perfumes at Sears and now you killennials have killed them.


  1. Ricerino uses no, no word ricecels ... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Holy crap these comments are disgusting. No one should be using autistic or any condition as an insult. What is wrong with people? You’re not a child anymore, grow up and come up with better insults.

Seems like a pretty good insult when there is always someone crying about it.

The first response is “retard moment”

I've never used autist/autistic as a no no word but the more the complain about it the more I want to use it.

we face a real existential threat born out of racism
