Arguments about porn in /r/dogelore when a /r/consumeproduct user posts a meme

1  2020-04-30 by sockerpopper


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Implying a woman might be wrong in 2020? wow found the incel

YIKERINO, are you saying the commodification of wahmen is not a good thing? As a good ally, I understand that treating wahmen as sexual goods is akshullee peak feminism. You, my good sir, are an incel and a misogynist

OP here, I was never talking about women I was talking the women that do this shit, no idea why people thought I was talking about all women, someone even said that it's because no women would go out with me and when I said I prefer men (bi not gay) they said something like I am a discredit to the lgbt community and it's all I have been thinking about because it's the one place I feel like I belong

You have even less reasons to care about what women think than i do pal, use that blessing well

Nah don't worry the men hate me too

Toxic masculinity hurts all of us

I agree with the OP, but no one likes agenda posting

There is no more sure a sign, no more prominent a symptom, of a decaying society than widespread and aggressive respect for women

Simps all over the shop.

You'll be one of them sooner or later

cheems would bonk the simps

Libfems don't even argue that porn is degrading lmao

I can't tell if they're just virtue signaling or genuinely low IQ enough to believe catering to men's sexuality is somehow female empowerment

Also good morning, I hate reddit simps

Why does anyone like that meme

Most anti porn people and women don’t have only fans, right?


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