Remember when Tucker Carlson followed the king of kangz, Al sharpton, to Liberia to bring world peace?

1  2020-04-30 by Beeasy1134




  1. Remember when Tucker Carlson follow... -,*

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Remember when Tucker Carlson was chilling in Iraq w/ PMCs and an AK?

Is that really Tucker on the right?

Yea of course

"I decided that it was their sincere belief in black supremacy that made the James Muhammads such good company. From their point of view, I was an irredeemable White Devil, cursed by Allah and marked for destruction. They had nothing to prove to me; I was like the retarded kid. We got along great. At the end of the trip, James L. pronounced me an honorary member of the Nation of Islam: Tucker X."

Thanks for posting this. It's one of the more interesting things I've read recently. Somehow deux is the source of more intelligent shit than most of this forsaken website

"I decided that it was their sincere belief in black supremacy that made the James Muhammads such good company. From their point of view, I was an irredeemable White Devil, cursed by Allah and marked for destruction. They had nothing to prove to me; I was like the retarded kid. We got along great. At the end of the trip, James L. pronounced me an honorary member of the Nation of Islam: Tucker X."

So tucker is a muslim? Interesting..