Stole this from Pat over in /r/Drama. Annoying teen tries to run from cops and becomes a completely different person the moment she's arrested.

1  2020-05-01 by HodorLePortePorte


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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This is what being an uggo can do to you. She could have gone to UCLA or something but she was born with a hideous potato face and now she's reduced to a life of live streaming a life of crime.

Anime isn't just a bunch of cheap American ripoffs of cartoons, it's art. Next time you American sheeple are watching your simpsons or south park or whatever mindless American cartoons that have plots, storylines and comedy, I'll be Admiring the wonderful and superior art of Chinese cartoons.


  1. Stole this from Pat over in /r/Dram... -,*

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bn no steal

Speedy Gonzales

Also, she's getting canceled. She says the "N word" in a way that even racists will hate to hear.

She said it so much it lost all meaning