An account called @TexasRapists has appeared overnight and lots of “victims” come out. Stick to bussy deuxcels.

1  2020-05-01 by chromedagger


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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I absolutely refuse to watch this film on principal. All it does is glorify the "lone wolf white male" archetype. It gives incels and and nazis a hero figure for them to look up to. It is absolutely disgusting and is NOT the movie that we need right now. Who the fuck thought this would be a good idea in our current political climate? The number one terrorist threat in the US right now is a white male.


  1. An account called @TexasRapists has... -,

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All I'm seeing is a lot of racism.

women are cancelled

i was actually suprised how “diverse” the page is knowing twitter and all 😳

Haven't foids gotten the message no one cares #me too was cancelled

Rapes is bad but orange man is badderer

random anonymous accusations, gibe more pls

believe all women you facist

Never been so proud, you show those rapists what’s what gurrrrrrrl

Hahaha haha yeah unt actually has a bunch of deuxChads in frats who make it a literal game at who is best at getting girls drunk and raping them.

I'd know.

Why do foids still go to frat parties despite the incredibly high odds of being drunkenly raped by a guy named Brad?

Need some drama

They get attention there.

Is there anything they won't do for attention??

thats my school! mean green until i die 😁

this whole thing sucks for the football team tho so many of the kangz are getting called out 😢

More like shouted put! DEY famous.

Real talk RIP lucky lous 2 dollar long Islands. They have been shit ever since they used the mix

lets hit up lucky lous once this is all over for the one time 😳