The ASMR community gets tingled by reddit copypastas [quiet tapping] [soft whispering] [silent farting]

1  2020-05-01 by my32


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Foids really should be ashamed. Imagine having a 🤢gussy🤢 so close to their 😍gbussy(girl bussy)😍

Women don't know how the internet works

Why do people like this exist?

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womp womp


  1. The ASMR community gets tingled by ... -,

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In my day we had to pay real girls to whisper in our ears


ps: Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Too Many Tabs Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Tabs Haha

ASMR is just amateur porn for librarians and aspiring serial killers, change my mind.

I love that the American Society of Mining and Reclamation came up with their acronym nearly 40 years ago then a bunch of internet perverts hijacked it

Miners and Minors

aspiring serial killers

no comment

Real deuxchads do their killing in parallel

Le perpetually offended low IQ simps and thots have arrived

But that's the thing: they're not even low IQ!

Like what the actual f*** so sorrry u had too read that babe xx 💓💓

Those are the paraphrased words of someone with ~100 IQ. Don't mean to get too epic but understand that around 50% of people are even dumber than that. Then also think that, despite how much first world countries like to shit on the american education system, all the poopoo countries in the very populous continents of Africa, South America and Asia (with few exceptions) have an less educated populace than america!

Foids are so stupid they seethe over posts specifically made to be socially incompetent, gross, and ironic.

I like ASMR, it makes me feel like I have a girlfriend :)

This hole spends most of her time salivating on expensive audio equipment for Patreon bucks