I haven't been there in a long while but there was a few times that someone posted some bugman hobby or collecter consoom meme and it hot too close to home and pissed off the larpers big time. Usually related to Vidya or movies.
What really solidified it for me was the whole idubbz drama. Someone made a post about it and the comments were filled with "I'm so disappointed, I thought idubbz was BASED and I looked up to him". Bunch of zoomers consooming le epic youtuber thinking they're anti consumerism. Lmao
I think it started out as a Spartan living sub that turned into a catchphrase self satire sub slowly overtime. Started out to make fun of the bugman then they realized they were bugmen too. I can't say I'm the same with anti consuming since I collect watches and other edc gear. I just went there at 1st to laugh at the funko memes
Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-01
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2 Goddd-Howard 2020-05-01
That sub isn’t even about anti consumerism anymore, just trad LARPing
6 thoroughlythrown 2020-05-01
Are trad LARPers the rightoid equivalent of r/witchesvspatriarchy ? They should get together and play Dungeons and Dragons or something
2 15nelsoc 2020-05-01
If they really are committed to trad-larping, they should organize witch hunts and burn out that nest of devil-spawned witches.
6 wizdumb337 2020-05-01
I haven't been there in a long while but there was a few times that someone posted some bugman hobby or collecter consoom meme and it hot too close to home and pissed off the larpers big time. Usually related to Vidya or movies.
1 Luigichu1238 2020-05-01
Share some
1 googleussliberty 2020-05-01
Not surprising considering the number of chapocel and chapocel adjacents on the sub. They think its a LateStageCapitalism offshoot, not right wing
1 SaveUsUncleTed 2020-05-01
Lmao tradcuck C O P E
1 Jannieseatdoodoo 2020-05-01
What really solidified it for me was the whole idubbz drama. Someone made a post about it and the comments were filled with "I'm so disappointed, I thought idubbz was BASED and I looked up to him". Bunch of zoomers consooming le epic youtuber thinking they're anti consumerism. Lmao
1 wizdumb337 2020-05-01
I think it started out as a Spartan living sub that turned into a catchphrase self satire sub slowly overtime. Started out to make fun of the bugman then they realized they were bugmen too. I can't say I'm the same with anti consuming since I collect watches and other edc gear. I just went there at 1st to laugh at the funko memes
5 KarlRex12 2020-05-01
Niggas post a pic of a soda advertisment and be like "hmm yes goy consooome product"
2 departmente_de_based 2020-05-01
Basically became another r/coomer with so much anti porn consumption.
4 pm_me_ur_butthole420 2020-05-01
More like self-hating “”””””ironic”””””” anti porn consumption
1 koloPL 2020-05-01
> if you don't watch porn you hate yourself
1 pm_me_ur_butthole420 2020-05-01
EXCELLENT reading buddy, proud of you
2 SpezKilledSwartz2 2020-05-01
Weeb rightoids should die imo
1 SnapshillBot 2020-05-01
Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 oldboyshaw 2020-05-01
Go make a sub 😴
1 Tardigrade_Sex_Party 2020-05-01
Based Italian indian cries a tear, then goes back to suburban wigwam for dinner from his meatball squaw.
1 uwu_whats_this420 2020-05-01
ConsoomProduct is at callmecarson level now🤢