Deuxchads escaping AHS once more

1  2020-05-01 by arsepirate69


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Me, top left.

cutie xo


Turn into a commie sub for a while to evade these fatties

die fighting like r/zoomerright, not a cuck to these retards like r/the_donald


See the harder lmao. Over 100 subs and counting 🤣



i got dibs on being the bull. now whose wife am i fucking first?

Nah bruh I’m the nazbull

I'm your camouflage. Read Piketty

I gave every one of your comments an uppraxis, all true commrades need to do the same

I gave every one of your comments an uppraxis, all true commrades need to do the same

I gave every one of your comments an uppraxis, all true commrades need to do the same

I gave every one of your comments an uppraxis, all true commrades need to do the same

I'm your camouflage. Read Piketty

I'm your camouflage. Read Piketty

I'm your camouflage. Read Piketty

I'm your camouflage. Read Piketty

I'm your camouflage. Read Piketty

I'm your camouflage. Read Piketty

I'm your camouflage. Read Piketty

I'm your camouflage. Read Piketty

I'm your camouflage. Read Piketty

I'm your camouflage. Read Piketty

I'm your camouflage. Read Piketty

Oh fuck lol, Sry (x15)

Oh fuck lol, Sry (x15)

Oh fuck lol, Sry (x15)

Oh fuck lol, Sry (x15)

Oh fuck lol, Sry (x15)

Oh fuck lol, Sry (x15)

Oh fuck lol, Sry (x15)

I broke reddit with my basedness 😎

I broke reddit with my basedness 😎

I broke reddit with my basedness 😎

I broke reddit with my basedness 😎

I broke reddit with my basedness 😎

I broke reddit with my basedness 😎

I broke reddit with my basedness 😎

reddit was down 2h ago, damn looks like spam. you must've clicked reply too many times 🤣

I clicked reply too little times, akshually. Wasn't done spamming Lawlz' thread. 😤

I'm your camouflage. Read Piketty

I'm your camouflage. Read Piketty

Is this from NPC University?

Noooooooooo!!!! We can't leave boomer behind. I'll miss you 😭

Don't worry about him, boomer will be fine. That's where he belongs


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Biden low information voter waving bye to us

You're doing my boy boomer dirty

lmao this is great. The punch nazis xD

I've got a file full of shit like this dude; the best memes must be saved for future generations!

This is one of the last memes I remember from cringeanarchy. Hopefully it's not a sign of bad tidings to come

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Deuxchads escaping AHS once more -,

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Brazilian sigmö

That fag is still posting? I thought he died of a heart attack last month



this will never not be funny, almost fat anti fascist battalion, maybe next time ;)

where the hell are fatties legs??????

She got hungry

Fatty stepped on a landmine in the great diabetes war.

This place has radicalized me

If enough fatties try to invade North Korea from the South, can we finally get the DMZ zone clear?

Animals don’t trigger land mines, angry feminists who missed having kids before menopause do.

the animals are also objectively worth more

I’m going to miss this place when it gets more popular and banned

Covered by the impressive gunt, or they were hungry

They have merged into the great fat

He lost them in the great meme war


He got the ‘betus and had to get them amputated


When will million dollar extreme come back?

I'm surprised to have not seen a single AHS post referencing this sub. I guess we're lucky

Nah they report you and you get warnings just for mentioning their leader. If y’all like deux you need to chill on them

It's funny because no matter how many subs they ban (r/coomer, r/average_redditor), new subs will spawn in their place. They literally cannot stop it.

You have to go back

Ya but this subs got something unique. Just leave ‘it’ alone, and also AHS as a whole. They have the admins ears since most are mega jannies.


refugees out

"We have been banned from 109 <places> and every time we just move to the next." is that "based" or a sign that you are leeches?🤔🤔🤔

They defo have. That's how I find this sub; it's a great idea to join AHS in order to find good subs to join.

That's what I've been doing

The boomer isn't even looking at that THICC braphog smh Everyone wants a smell of those juicy braps

Yo /u/tayssecondgussy can you send me an invite to come back to the reservation?



This is the intersection of memes and pure fucking art

yeah AHS faggots using CP to attack those who they disagree with. what a disgusting bunch. i wish someone would take some nails and slowly pound them through their skull but not far enough to kill them. then someone comes through with some boiling water or bleach and pours it in their eyes then when those AHS faggots scream about their eyes there will be some BBC dude that will rape them with a leafblower. butt the thing is, the leaf blower trauma won't kill them. no! it will be their parents returning, realizing their child has become a AHS faggot, and they will use a soldering iron to slowly castrate them.

once they are castrated they will be run over by a fat faggot in a wheelchair

Tag yourself I'm honkler at the far right

This might be the most perfect picture on the internet. A masterpiece, if you will.


(check my bulge)

..on the bike.

