Fuck the police, am I right?

1  2020-05-02 by Deadmarine1980


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Weren't both the_donald and chapo quarantined, at least in part, because of threats of violence against law enforcement?

It really does make you think don't it 🐎

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Fuck the police, am I right? - archive.org, archive.today

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Cooming straight from the underground

Don't you mean "Coming straight from the country club"?

Nono, coming straight from the boating accident.

maybe this will help people realize that the police are not your friends. they rule over you with the threat of potentially lethal force if you step out of line

Only if you're black

Despite making up 13% of the population...

Despite the fact white people stole from them......

Despite living in mud huts a couple centuries ago and selling their own people into slavery......

Despite the fact that white people bought them for centuries....,

Despite the fact that they have equal and sometimes better opportunities than whites in America yet still try to make white people feel bad for their slave owning ancestors

You're delusional. What what do I expect from a Nazi?

“People that disagree with me are a nazi” good job people like you have made the term almost meaningless

almost meaningless

Hey if it walks like a Nazi, talks like a Nazi, has to be a Nazi.

People that disagree with me are a nazi

Just because I call you a Nazi doesn't mean I think everyone I disagree with is a Nazi. Like just because I think PPC is a good load out of my Mech and another guy disagrees doesn't mean I'm gonna call him a Nazi. If you personally don't like being called a Nazi then don't say Nazi shit. Oh and having Pepe as your flair doesn't help either.

Conservative opinions don’t make you a nazi. The nazis were leftists. Good try though goy

Look up the night of long knives. And sorry Nazis were conservatives. They hated Jews, gays, black people and back the traditional conservatives German party because they were getting bank rolled by them. Try reading a history book you inbreed cousin fucker.


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See even the bot knows you’re a fucking retard. The only reason you think nazis were conservative is because you watch too much cnn. Hate to break it to ya, but the slave owners were Democrats ;)

See even the bot knows you’re a fucking retard

No the bot was programmed by a retard.

And besides humans actually down voted you more. So even your fellows, actual humans think you're the actual retard.

Hate to break it to ya, but the slave owners were Democrats.

Oh goodies we can talk about the civil war! Time for you to get owned newbie. For starters the Democrats back then were the "conservatives", they rebelled to keep their slaves. And food for thought why do modern conservatives in the south fly the Democrat flag? Hummmm I wonder why? (Don't think too hard you might hurt your brain).

Hating Jews and blacks isn’t a conservative principle,

Ummmm Unite the Right rally "Jews will not replace us". Hell even look at this page. (((9/11))) is a flair tag here. So yes it's natural for conservatives to kill minorities. Consider yourself owned.

Yeah idk why I thought you were intelligent enough to argue with lol go back to shitposting in your safe space echo chambers

idk why I thought you were intelligent enough to argue

Yeah dude you brought nothing to the table. I actually destroyed you with historical facts, and you literally have nothing to counter me with. God the Nazis today are such pussies. They don't make them how they use to.

shitposting in your safe space echo chambers

Obviously I'm not posting in a safe space. I'm posting here, chopping off your legs and smashing your teeth for a good skull fuck.

Reminder that police get paid leave and pensions for doing things that would put ordinary citizens away for decades, and have no duty to protect you.