Is Fat Acceptance capitalist or socialist?

1  2020-05-02 by UnalignedRando


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Yep. This one's going in my cringe compilation.


  1. Is Fat Acceptance capitalist or soc... -,

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It’s only socialist if you get fat by eating the rich

Fat liberation "movement" now that's an oxymoron


Most fat people are on welfare.

Both, obviously. Fit is fascist.

Didn't know r/fatpeoplehate was back...subscribed.

It’s not /r/fatpeoplehate unfortunately.

It’s been around since the /r/fatpeoplehate and the main difference is that /r/fatlogic is less about mocking and more about “being critical”.

It’s kinda gay honesty; they must feel like they are walking on eggshells.

What was fatpeoplehate like? Ive only seen retards mention it every now and then

fat acceptance is simply early stage marxism. the useful idiots support it because it means absolving them of responsibility for the damage they've caused to themselves.

long term though as a society starts getting farther left, it flips. suddenly being obese is a sign of social irresponsibility... that society must pay for their gluttonous food bills, in addition to their excessive healthcare costs, so now society must fight back against obesity. shit, the comrades in that post are already supporting skewering up the fatties to burn their fat for fuel.

It really is socialistic. One of the first published critiques was in 1963. One of my casebooks actually has an analysis of the movement from inception, but I'm drawing a blank which one -- it's very difficult to guess.

Capitalist means to socialist ends, ie the worship of the weak, disabled, and pathetic over eternal strength of deuxcels.

Anti Facist