*stares blankly into the abyss*

1  2020-05-03 by CasanovaNova


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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"Looks like it's going to be another night on the Snorlax for me, wife brought home another man and isn't letting me watch this time."

I mean just looking at this effeminate guy in that curled up position, and then seeing his punk/butch ass wife, I already feel like I know everything I need to know about their "open marriage". I feel like I can be almost certain that he'd be perfectly happy in a monogamous relationship, and she's just a whore that's been railed so many times her brain is incapable of monogamy. He just listens to everything she says, and she can convince him of things even she doesn't believe because she's either more intelligent or better spoken.


  1. stares blankly into the abyss - archive.org, archive.today

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Welcoming Reddit’s newest Gay Janitor, /u/casanovanova

I am here, my fellow Americans... To negotiate a truce. A pact, if you will. A bond of understanding that sometimes, we have to find something common in ripping on each other. Take for instance, myself. I’m a Pajeet. A celebrity on /r/ch0de for some reason but I digress.

I am here to make you all happy, by providing a home for intellectual discourse, and of course, challenging your own perceptions of reality.

This is the Matrix after all.

I want to cum on her teeth.

How do I get rid of my cbt addiction


That’s harem

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is very helpful


What is this













so this is the power of reddit

wow thank u big chungus


obama did 911


Alexa play “The Power Of Love” by Celine Sion


Play “Fernando” by Wing


alexa play "fart compilation 12"

I’d make sure to do it as rough as possible and while the tears run down her face I’d slowly lean down and whisper “I’m illegally in you build that wall” then shed shit all over my cock as I cum bullets

how big are you guys' feet

Size 13

Oh just about a foot each


We don’t share shoe sizes

the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Describe feet

My gf can fit my foot inside her poon

sexy, have toe, cover in mushroom

I have cut my feet

oh how pungent my lady, sniiiiffff, wow now SNIFFFFF thats a fooooot baby awoogggaaa

Your feet are the same length as your forearm

Measure it


Do I have a foot fetish if I wear heels as a man?

I peepee my pants


n word





100% REAL

Anyone down for some rape rn

can jannies shut this down?

all jannies have been found dead by suicide with four shots at the back of the head, how could have this happened?

I’m here don’t worry

not the dang ol jannerinos

I became a jannie

oh frick

The Game.

yea but did it make u gay?

Just fabulous


I’d smash

This is now Survivor Island: Ru Paul’s Drag Race


The winds blow for three hours yonder

i dont get it

can a fellow retard help me out here

There has a been a mutiny

Your captain now shits overboard while his mail order bride defeats all borders by keeping cheetah print alive.

u/novaeboracensis this is a test to see how many times we can say the n word before michelle obama comes down the chimney to stuff your stocking with some big black coal

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Trump and I both have Russian wives and were born here: FACT


who tf are these bitches and y should i care


who is tf?

sup Casanova

Just having a nightcap and some dinner my wife made

Hope quarantine is treating you kind

I got my TrumpBux

"The Fuck" is tf and I'm talking about the two women on the post

i wish peggy hill would mash up my junk with her giant cartoon feet

Actually got a letter from Trump

I filed business taxes so I got the TrumpBux

me too

Trump 2020 for more chances to buy cheap stonks


How to win 101

tax payers once again btfo rent dodgers

Biden for more pedo white house incidents

Bro I’m rent free until July Boomers BTFO

Wow my iWatch just hour repeatered for midnight

Rolex BTFO

Sup bros

This chat late af

Sup bro

Hey my dude

Wsb and deuxchat. You’re basically me

We are celebrating my new appointment to Prime Minister

I approve this message

Nice lol


Man I lost mad money with options. I made like 3k then lost 7k

I lost on $BA puts


Was up $2k off $5k in two weeks

Earnings was predicted, stock movement was LOL


I lost on spy puts like every other autist

Now Elon decided to an hero Tesla

Stockcels btfo

Let’s see how this works out for them ol’ Duke Boys

buy the dip dude


wtf this shows as a regular thread sorted by new on old.reddit

The problem is that the dip sometimes keeps dipping

i was wondering my upvotes weren't counting

retarded admins

you keep buying dip until it no more dip

This unironically





$TSLA investors better have deep pockets for Monday


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i'm honestly surprised reddit doesn't crash more

did yall see elon tweet about how grimes was mad at him lol

lmao automod works in here

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Biden could make the market go up too tho

AutoMod uses Autopilot 2.9

I hate both of them tho

If he’s not asleep

Bernie didn’t refund me man




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We are so eFukt

i wonder how nice bernies new house will be

I want belle delphine to step on my balls


Jordan’s Brewster or GTFO



Who doesnt

Bella cbt


I love it

Anal, that is, to clarify.

Only chads fuck themselves


It’s not gay, it’s masturbation

I’m not here to impose my beliefs

I’m here to keep you all clean and civil when political discourse becomes too intense and you cross certain ethical boundaries

I want gussy. now.

Shutting this down now.

give me your gussy.

Stinky jannie

Better bring Astroglide Diamond

gamer word

I’ll cut your dick off with how tight I can be

either you're giving me your gussy, or I'm taking it for myself.

Comments are now locked, stay home and stay safe