A homosexual teenager walks into /r/Catholicism . . .

1  2020-05-03 by ProEvilOperations

. . . and asks if he should come out of the closet. Apparently being open/accepting about your homosexuality is very frowned on by Catholics. Probably a tradition started by jealous priests in order to keep out the competition. On the post there's some quibbling on differences between "being gay" and having occasional bouts of "same sex attraction" and then suddenly AHS links to the post and shits all over the thread.



The internet volunteer janitors had to clean it all up on a weekend. 😢


Apparently AHS has run out of MDE ban evasion subs to pearl-clutch about so they've moved on to complaining that Catholics and Indians ( /r/Chodi ) are allowed to post on Reddit.


Now this is when the gay OP starts getting addicted to the drama. He posts on /r/Catholicism AGAIN making a meta post about AHS' brigade on his original post


The completely voluntary Catholic e-janitor force made sure to keep the comments section clean after brigaders appeared:


And then not even two hours later the OP went on to make YET ANOTHER meta post in the completely unrelated AgainstDegenerateSubs in order to get his drama-dopamine fix:


Someone needs to introduce this dude to /r/askgaybros which is unironically one of the very few good subreddits on this site. Those f@ggots post more useful comments and waaay more dramatic happenings than /r/drama ever does 🤭

I originally posted this on rdrama but of course their stupid automod got me for saying something or other and that ruined Snappy's chance to archive this for future generations. Why do I even bother with rdrama at this point 😒


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Yeah pretty much

For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others-and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. ~Matthew 19:12

Being gay isn't immoral, but acting on it is.

but acting on it is.

lol what does that even mean?

Sodomy, lusting after your own sex, engaging in gay fantasies and pornography etc.

Anything besides outright rejection, confession and repentance.

You can want to suck dick and that's ok. Actually sucking a dick is bad.

God has strange priorities.

Makes sense to me if you ask me considering most gays lose their virginity before 10 years of age.

Lol as a gay with an extremely complicated past and complicated present I can assure you that is not what that means. You took Jesus words completely out of context


Pharisees came to him and brought up the subject of divorce.

Jesus said divorce is only agreeable if one of the spouses cheat.

The disciples say to him

"His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry." (19:10)

He responds with the verses you listed,

Jesus was speaking about both Literal eunuchs, (those who were born with birth defects or who were made that way by accident or mutilation.)

And those who freely made themselves figurative eunuchs.

Though eligible for marriage, they chose to stay single so that they could devote themselves to God.

They were neither born with with the circumstances to be permanently single nor granted it. They actually chose to live like eunuchs (aka not marry).

It had nothing to do with the sexuality of the "eunuch" you dolt.

Eunuch = Trans

That's a fair point, he was talking about divorce. At least my Bible says so before the passage. I have a tendency to apply knowledge from one particular situation to another in which it may not be 100% applicable.

I do believe that living as a eunuch is all a homosexual can hope to do.

I'm curious what your argument is, then. Is being gay immoral, even if you live as the eunuch? What does the Bible tell you about homosexuality?

taking orders from a hippie faggot nailed to a cross 2000 years ago

Only christshitters are that retarded 😂

The same (((people))) who believe an even older hippie who climbed up a mountain twice just to get a rock are also the people who run the world.🕋👃

Friendly reminder that you're much more likely to be raped by your teacher than by any priest 👍

Well that's bc hardly anyone goes to Confession. The teacher had a LOT more chances to get in there than the priest

Don't forget get gays reproduce through molestation, so it's probably in the best interest of the child to not give him to a couple of fudge packers or rug munchers


Why do I even bother with rdrama at this point 😒

It used to be kinda-okay before GRIDS brainrotted all of the rancid faggots runnign it.


It's really too bad there's not a way to search the internet

Already tried Google and Reddit search. Nothing relevant came up.

📸 *SNAP*

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Git gud

Groomers vs groomers drama, it's funny how neither side realizes that they are the exact same thing just in different clothes. Both are just cults that lure vulnerable people and take advantage of them.

Damn that’s scary😰, can you hold my hand😏😳

AHS are child groomers and would try to turn this poor kid trans. you're going to be fine young man. avoid anime, pornography, and liberal subreddits.

Ok which one of you beautiful bastards posted this?

guilty. poor kid needs protection from ahs.

I’m new here. Can somebody break down AHS for me? Say it slow so my coom brain can process it

Against hate subreddits

Some guy on that ADS thread solved the entire problem in a single line:

"Have you ever just tried being straight?"


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