der coomer

1  2020-05-03 by herbalmethtea


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I wonder if these people are aware that the only public opinion shift that comes from them appearing anywhere at all is a slight increase in favorability towards eugenics.


  1. der coomer -,

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I fixed my pron addiction by dating strippers

Dating? That's beta. Just go to a de-facto brothel at some no name massage parlor in LA or SF.

Last time I went there the Thai lady turned out to have an unexpected extra package

Yes and?

it was quite an experience

*wink* *wink*

It was her kid wasn't it


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Noooo, while she looked like a she, later I discovered it was a he

Like best of both world, right

Still took the extra option with spicy topping if you catch my drift

I was saying she was a single mom bc stripper

Yeah that and the occasional drinking problem and the line of coke

They aren't high quality women but the ass is fine and they don't mind spicing it up in the bedroom

I won't complain if they don't have a stem degree

That's why Chinese are number 1.

Hahaha man was about to say, I graduated to literal hos.

Thats not what they say though, they just say 'its not an addiction'.

That or they insist they've actually been able to stop and their lives somehow got magically fixed overnight because of it. Wishful thinking plus LARPing, plus high level autism.

I can stop doing the thing i've been doing twice a day for 10 years any time i want

This but unironically


I still see the shadows in my coom

Reminder that the song is literally called Lucid Dreams when he doesn't know what lucid dreams are (talks about sleep paralysis). Black people, amirite?

Well sleep paralysis is a stage of astral projection. But juice wrld being a store or probably never dreamed

They lovin the coom. They lovin the coom. They lovin the coooom

Virgin potheads upset that porn is more satisfying than an actual woman.

Me On the bottom left

people trying to quit don't get offended by coomer memes. at least I don't.

As a more sophisticated being that enjoys imagination wanks I literally cannot understand getting addicted to porn. Like often I can’t even be bothered to open incognito and get on a porn site I just get on with it and jizz on my stomach