Back when I was in my 20s, I had a Little Mermaid backpack. Wore it everywhere. Why? Because I really like the Little Mermaid, it was a good backpack, and it let me know immediately which guys were insecure idiots.
If I was on public transport and I saw a guy smirking at my backpack, I was never bothered. I knew that if the two of us were dropped in the bush with nothing, I’d most likely be the one walking out alive. I didn’t need to prove anything to them, and they’d already proved they weren’t worth my time.
The English pride themselves for never being conquered, yet they were eternally BTFO by the Celts, the Romans, the Saxons, the vikings, and the Normans.
What if we took a potato and ate without seasoning it whatsoever? And what if we cooked a piece of meat for 25 hours so that it’s a pile of mushy grey matter? Yes, I shall call this “British cuisine”
also, why are they so bad at all the sports they invented. they’re literally worse than slavs in soccer, poos in cricket, and somehow even the french beat them at everything smh
But you never kicked them out again. The Queen is a direct descendant of the people who conquered you. She is a descendant of William the conqueror. At least the people who were conquered by the British actually removed them from the country.
Lol, she comes from the House of Windsor. William the conqueror's dynasty died off before the High Middle Ages were even over. I can't think of a single dynasty in the world that's lasted around a thousand years.
Honestly though, I'm glad the Romans came in and butt raped us lot; we were backward savages before they arrived. Often when somewhere is conquered, the people who live on after do a lot better. E.g. retarded niggers who are only in America because their ancestors got bitched over by a local tribe, or the Sub-Saharan lands that hadn't even invented the wheel before they were colonized.
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-03
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2 Zorak_Prison_Pod 2020-05-03
I can't say it's not a based attitude to have though.
1 Riddick100001 2020-05-03
Of course it is
2 sandbid 2020-05-03
Venetians absolutely SEETHING
0 dgp694 2020-05-03
imagine getting dunked on by an it*lian. anglos truly btfo
1 SnapshillBot 2020-05-03
Back when I was in my 20s, I had a Little Mermaid backpack. Wore it everywhere. Why? Because I really like the Little Mermaid, it was a good backpack, and it let me know immediately which guys were insecure idiots.
If I was on public transport and I saw a guy smirking at my backpack, I was never bothered. I knew that if the two of us were dropped in the bush with nothing, I’d most likely be the one walking out alive. I didn’t need to prove anything to them, and they’d already proved they weren’t worth my time.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 iu88 2020-05-03
unironically kinda based
1 HormelCoffee3 2020-05-03
The English pride themselves for never being conquered, yet they were eternally BTFO by the Celts, the Romans, the Saxons, the vikings, and the Normans.
1 Riddick100001 2020-05-03
1 HormelCoffee3 2020-05-03
Nope. Saxons were German. Celts are frogs. Ancient Britons got BTFO by everyone.
And the Normans never even got kicked out again.
English are rape babies.
1 strumyabird 2020-05-03
That explains their still birth of a culture.
0 CriticalAttempt2 2020-05-03
And their food
1 pm_me_ur_butthole420 2020-05-03
What if we took a potato and ate without seasoning it whatsoever? And what if we cooked a piece of meat for 25 hours so that it’s a pile of mushy grey matter? Yes, I shall call this “British cuisine”
0 CriticalAttempt2 2020-05-03
How does it feel knowing that not 300 years later America can send like 50 guys and wipe your shitty gunless cockless country off the map?
2 Riddick100001 2020-05-03
Absolute state of your culture-less, corporate, Jewish and mutated state You will be forgotten like tears in the rain
1 ThouzandQueerReich 2020-05-03
No. This is your future.
0 CriticalAttempt2 2020-05-03
ah ok so you’re not a bong because the irony of typing that would have killed you otherwise
2 Riddick100001 2020-05-03
Ok mutt shartstangolian
0 CriticalAttempt2 2020-05-03
wannabe bong seethe.
also, why are they so bad at all the sports they invented. they’re literally worse than slavs in soccer, poos in cricket, and somehow even the french beat them at everything smh
1 Riddick100001 2020-05-03
0 CriticalAttempt2 2020-05-03
1 MrKearns 2020-05-03
I know you'd trade in all that military power just to be >56% white
1 CriticalAttempt2 2020-05-03
imagine not supporting the mayocide even as it is currently in progress.
😂 <- me lol @ u
1 I_Shah 2020-05-03
And now by pakistanis.
2 strumyabird 2020-05-03
Truly the greatest and most inbred of their conquerors.
1 HormelCoffee3 2020-05-03
Pakistanis are the niggers of Arabs
2 dont_stop_themusic 2020-05-03
They aren't arab
3 HormelCoffee3 2020-05-03
1 char_67 2020-05-03
1 CriticalAttempt2 2020-05-03
it should never have begun for pakicels
1 Patsy02 2020-05-03
Don't forget the Dutch.
1 Riddick100001 2020-05-03
1 Patsy02 2020-05-03
Yeah, that's what makes it so embarrassing for the bongs.
1 YrjoWashingnen 2020-05-03
Leave it to Perfidious Albion to retcon their own history.
1 arsepirate69 2020-05-03
Yeah... Like a thousand years ago.
1 HormelCoffee3 2020-05-03
But you never kicked them out again. The Queen is a direct descendant of the people who conquered you. She is a descendant of William the conqueror. At least the people who were conquered by the British actually removed them from the country.
1 arsepirate69 2020-05-03
Lol, she comes from the House of Windsor. William the conqueror's dynasty died off before the High Middle Ages were even over. I can't think of a single dynasty in the world that's lasted around a thousand years.
Honestly though, I'm glad the Romans came in and butt raped us lot; we were backward savages before they arrived. Often when somewhere is conquered, the people who live on after do a lot better. E.g. retarded niggers who are only in America because their ancestors got bitched over by a local tribe, or the Sub-Saharan lands that hadn't even invented the wheel before they were colonized.
1 keizerrijk 2020-05-03
Didn't the Anglos btfo the Celts? And then absorb every other country that invaded?
1 FloatyFish 2020-05-03
Me on the ground with a broken back and splayed out legs.
1 devotedrat17 2020-05-03
10" penis 😗
1 JohnDickCockerfeller 2020-05-03
Post more of these pls
0 FroppyHoppyMyFloppy 2020-05-03
Everything does belong to you if you can conquer it.
This is similar to Burgerland currently living rent free in Europoor head. AKA C O P E.