Deuxchad appealing his 109th subreddit ban

1  2020-05-04 by Goes_Down_on_Women


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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I did such a good job that there wasn’t enough work left to justify my salary

wait, wait, wait.... hold your horses... uhm... YOU'RE A GIRL DEUXCEL?!!?! O_O Not to be a freak, but.. just when I thought you couldn't get more attractive.. you started posting on r/DeuxRAMA. Nicely done, m'lady. You've just become every man's dream woman. If you had missed a couple before, now you can be sure you've got us ALL "drooling", lol.


  1. Deuxchad appealing his 109th subred... -,

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110 and never again

Each purge is just eugenics in action. We become richer, and eventually, you will shoah us into neo-elohim.

2 days later:

111 and never again

We are gonna get banned, aren't we? 😂😂

TIL $0.00 is considered a salary

Hopefully today you’ll also figure out that Admins get paid

Probably not a lot but they’re more like real jannies

Admins aren't just moderators.

still gay enough to even disgust James Charles

Zero per hour

I wish

They need income to clean the shit off their streets

Almost definitely unless the jannies really do something about all the MDEfugees here

Dealing with MDEgenerates is easier than you think, though.

Hell, I think we wouldn't even to betray our values and become that which we've sworn to destroy by banning them, or giving the automod crippling autism, or setting the sub to private for a while.

All we'd need to do is put some bosmer bussy and some other degenerate shit on the sidebar and watch the zoomer r*ghtoids seethe for a while until they leave on their own accord.

It's painfully obvious which posts are theirs. I don't care about bigotry, but it's offensive how unclever their posts are.

This ^

If they bothered to be creative and funny, and at least tried to maintain the facade of irony, I'd gladly tolerate them.

I mean, FFS, even the stormfags on /pol/ have the decency of doing that, but these fucking zoomers? Haha, nope.

Exactly! They go around here yelling Big Bad Words without any attempt at being witty and mongloids see them and think edginess = humor.

dude wigger lmao

What makes you think you deserve clever posts?

Good point. Most people on this sub on this site represent the literal dregs of humanity and therefore deserve nothing.

Idk, they probably deserve at least a little bullying

None of us are entitled to this sub being good. Paid reddit HQ jannies will remind us of that soon enough.

Imagine thinking (((I’m))) an MDEfugee

I didn't. What are you talking about?

Carry on then bb we must continue to bully the MDEfugee into being cute trad girls

✊😔 Bussify the MDEfugees

This actual post is one of the best meta posts I've seen in a long fucking while, btw

Hell, I think we wouldn't even to betray our values and become that which we've sworn to destroy by banning them,

Nah I was here in the earlier days of this sub, when MDE go shoah'd and the migrant crisis began - people here were considering, should they be let in while /Drama is ejecting them? And the decision was rather unanimous: no rapefugees.

So Deux wouldn't betray any of its ideals with that, I don't think.

Question though -

Hm the bread cock sucker and gay smurfs didn't work though?

You're not entitled to a MDEfugee free safe space, sweaty.

will the real hormel please stand up

Are we the baddies?

Wow this comic is very anti-semitic

smh my head

I promise i dindu nuffin

I feel personally attacked

Wonder what AyyHeSS will say about this.

It’s not a stretch to compare them to literal Nazis. Deuxrama is the Warsaw ghetto of the 21st century and AHS are our oppressors

I got banned from 109 subreddit for no reason at all.

I demand reparations.

Damn. That's a double edged meme. It cuts deep to both sides.


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Lmao @ the retarded rightoids not realizing it applies to them as well


Banning us would be anti-semitic