The King 👑👑 Himself said it. Persian power 🇮🇷🇮🇷💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿

1  2020-05-04 by Dimbledorf


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Wow, the Internet really does a number on some people's brains, doesn't it.

I am clearly supposed to know what the hell you're talking about, but the only information I could squeeze out of your sloganeering is that you're now more meme than man.


  1. The King 👑👑 Himself said it. Persia... -,

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wow, I can't believe he actually said this

I can't believe it either because it's fake. Juche's state atheism is a great policy which I would love to see enforced in the USA.

I'd love to see state enforced atheism implemented so people who came out in vocal support of it could be identified and beheaded


Dem satinusts tryna take away jesus from me heeelllll nah, pew pew pew pew

State atheism is up there with banning guns and hate speech laws in events that would cause the Helter Skelter

Agreed. Shia muslims are much more hotter and smarter than sunni muslims. All sunnis do is bitch and whine, fight over completely trivial things and ruin others lives.Not to mention sunni's especially arabs all look like inbred chupacabras.

The world would be a much better place without sunni scum.

Shiism was a sect built on bitching and moaning. And good looking for hairy ape Persians and inbred paki Shias.

They seem to be pretty retarded when they seethe:

US kills Soleimani
50+ Iranian deaths at funeral stampede
Revenge air strike response:
0 US deaths
Accidentally blew up a plane full of Iranians


Wahhabists BTFO!

Das rite

إن شاء الله. لقد تحدث القائد المجيد بحكمة. نرجو أن تنعم إلى الأبد ببوسي.

We will turn the imperialists into kabob koobideh brothers

Iranian women are so fucking hot though 🥵🥵🥵🥵