Actual photograph of reddit coping whenever somebody mentions sex

1  2020-05-04 by JanetYellensFuckboy


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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I google big boob and get six gorillion results

The healthiest sexuality is volcelism.

Um yikes sweaty this is kinda problematic 💅 reported.

Irl both guys look like the dude on the right.

We’re doing drugs. If i wanted to hear “don’t do it man” or any other sort of social stigma about wanting to put meth in my ass I would have asked my mom what her thoughts were. Obviously if I’m ready to put meth in my ass and I want to know whether or not I should take a shit first, I’ve already made up my mind. It’s going up there.


  1. Actual photograph of reddit coping ... -,

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Yo wtf is this from


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Someone who should be a mod obviously.

There was a meth boofing post like half a year ago. If it wasn't from that then apparently there is a meth boofing epidemic now that fentanyl is being cracked down.

lmao I'm in love with this bot.

The Chad sane man vs the virgin brainwashed redditor

reddit coomer

Sex is for losers anyway. You’re gonna invest all this time into a depreciating asset? Fucking smoothbrains. Once the semen is out who cares what it landed in

Having sex for any other reason than breeding

shm the state of this society

Yeah the semen from our Black Kangz is too precious to be wasted on anything other than breeding mayo gussy 🤮

built for BBC


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I can't even count all my stalkers anymore lmao. KARA BOGA brother

casual sex is a problem

spoken like someone who can't have casual sex, hedonism is the one true path

Chad hedonist vs virgin celibate-cel

You disgrace Yahweh


Absolutely and unequivocally based. Porn addiction is sub human tho

Actually based. Too many trans-cels have invaded deuxrama

Both people pictured in this image are porn addicts

I am Casanova Nova of Emotion 98.3 and I unironically approve of chads with this message.

Post bussy so we can confirm

I would but if you see this ass with a plug, I’m gonna have to open an OnlyFans

Anyone who thinks the "casual sex" culture is a big deal is an idiot. People have been having less sex over time as we progress as a society.

The fact that it is celebrated is an issue.

Only because it removes the taboo and makes it lame. Fucking some sket in an alley must have been so much more thrilling when you knew people finding out about it could literally ruin your lives. Now everyone has to be a lame nerd and just talk about stuff all the time.

Every day I think more and more about Calhoun's mouse Utopia and uncle Ted's manifesto.


Das rite

This is cope I know many high tier normie who do sex drugs and porn but also have a good social life and a decent job

Who reading this comment in 2020? 😂

No one:

You: who reading this comment in 2020? 😂

Absolutely not a single soul:

Not even keanu chungus?

Ok incel

How the hell did you forget anti semite

Its over for cuts too close to homecels!

You forgot Facist

This is cope

Wait is that a Greek? I swear they were rampant with the Paedophilic lifestyle. Romans too

That's just a meme. It was made up in the 1800s in English schools by groomers who wanted kids to think that being fucked by old men was romantic and high culture.

Loool fucking cope

The average Greek male most definitely had more sex than the average male today. Not even close. Beyond that, this generation is having less sex than the last, which had less than those who were of age in the 80s. There was a spike in the 60s/70s and it’s been decreasing ever since. It’s a pretty well-documented trend.

Muh modern casual sex culture just isn’t statistically accurate.

The biggest thing about it is that because of social media and the internet, it's discussed and exposed way more frequently. So it's more acceptable in the culture because people think it's happening more often than it is.

Is that a Roman or a Greek? Doesn’t really matter since they both fucked kids and painted dicks on sidewalks to advertise brothels

Why the fuck is the gigachad an ancient Greek here.

Are you smoothbrained agendaposters forgetting how much degeneracy the Ancient Greeks and the Romans were up to?

healthy sexuality

"issues" rising from pornography, prostitution and the casual sex

Sorry but the only healthy sexuality is fucking everything that moves, exactly how Nature intended. "Abstaining" or whatever bullshit euphemisms for it is a filthy Christian degeneracy that tried to suppress normal sexual instincts to "gift" us with fetishism, yiffing, necrophilia, Oedipus complexes and serial killers.

Porn is good as long as it's not real

"Fucking is legal, paying for things is legal, but paying for fucking is illegal"- George Carlin.

i'm fine with casual sex.not porn addiction or prostitution



every second you keep arguing with a woman/redditor the chance they mention sex exponentially rises


only mad about casual sex cause y'all can't get any lmao