Totally not jealous G*rman who totally doesn’t think about Americans all the time writes post about how he’s not jealous of Americans

1  2020-05-04 by clean-it-up-jannies


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theres some absolutely pathetic replies from self loathing burgers holy shit the cringe

I'm honestly jealous of Europe. I could pick almost any country there at random and they'd probably have it better than the U.S. does rn.

The school systems are better, College (probably) costs way less, and there's no worry about gun rights b/c nobody can own a gun. (Why the hell is the U.S. so obsessed over guns. It's caused far more harm than it should.)

Then there's the news. I know unbiased news sources exist, but they are far and few compared to the loud, repetitive, and useless news that yells at people on both sides. (MSNBC & Fox are both bad. It's not just one side that has a problem.)

And don't even get me started on virus & healthcare. The U.S. has flat out failed at that. I mean, we have the most people infected in the WORLD. In fact I just looked it up: We have over five times more infections than the next highest country (which is Spain in case you're wondering). HOW. That literally shouldn't be possible, and yet it is.

You know what? Here's an actual unpopular opinion: I'm ashamed to be an American.


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I can’t decide who’s worse, Americans who cry about guns or yuros who brag about not being able to own guns

Anyone who can own a gun but doesn't or says others shouldn't automatically shows how sheltered and smallminded they are. I've literally met 100s of convicts who said the only thing keeping them from going in someone's home and taking what they wanted (gussy included ) is the threat of them possibly owning a gun.

Unironically people in other countries don’t understand what the crime rate is like in the US. I probably wouldn’t give a shit about guns either if I lived in rural Sweden or whatever.

They are being culturally enriched now so in another 5 years or so they will see.

This is a American cope, Sweden is like 80% Swedish and like 8% other European, America is like 56% white

In 2015 alone they had 163,000 refugees come in from 3rd world shitholes . Sweden's total population is 9.8 million.

I can’t even figure out what flavor of retard you are lmao.

I'm that rare centrist retard but I am bussy flavored. Want a taste?

I dunno, did those hundreds of convicts use protection?

Nah considering they had to take counseling from me before they could be elegible for parole they tried to mind their Ps and Qs but the mask slipped off on most of them eventually.

Then no thanks, I don’t want the monkey virus.

We have over five times more infections than the next highest country (which is Spain in case you're wondering). HOW. That literally shouldn't be possible, and yet it is.

Literally fewer cases or deaths than the European Union. How retarded do you have to be to draw a comparison between the US and a single European country?

Burgers can't even find most European countries on a map

Why would I need to know where irrelevant countries are?

Exactly, a kang doesn't concern himself with peasants

To be fair, they can't find America either.

E*ropoor seething never gets old. Day of the NATO pullout when?

Never. You’re not retarded enough to think we’re there for them, are you? Euros don’t actually need our protection from anyone, it’s not the 1960s anymore.

Based europoor makes mutt seethe

I don’t think about you at all

You just keep posting, though. For free.

Rent free

the reality of the situation

burgers can't handle bad publicity although they preach all publicity being good publicity

should learn to just throat our criticisms and swallow 😎😎

rent free

Let me address some of the most common responses here. Strawmanned, obviously:


Introoder divisionposters like you get the wedge

Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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I’m aiming this post at guys who are still in high school, or younger

Please leave this sub, delete your account, block the address, do whatever you need to do, to get yourself away from this sub, and any similar community.

Take a long break from anything like this, and go out and live your life, you don’t know it yet but you have such great opportunities if you are still in school, so many people (guys and girls) who are available to talk to, even become friends with. Girls are so much softer on guys in school, their standards are lower, and some will be open to speaking to you. You have the chance to be happy, please don’t throw it away before you’ve even left.


  1. Totally not jealous G*rman who tota... -,

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Europoors are jelly lol u can tell

He thinks europoors are people hahahaha

Lol without America your gay countries would be part of Greater Russia tomorrow

No. Russians have neither the population, the will, nor the economy. And Europe is their main energy customer.

This whole “ze Russians are coming” nonsense is just burgercels trying to feel relevant.

You don’t think that the Soviet Union would have taken over the rest of Western Europe if there wasn’t another nuclear power protecting it?

It’s 2020 retard.

So why do we still pull your weight in NATO?

I’m also a burgercel - I just know what NATO is for the in the 21st century.

Wow, a Redditor hating on America and praising Europe? Such an unpopular opinion!! Literally nobody else agrees with that on this site, so STUNNING and BRAVE!!!!!

Euro poor cope

Australia kinda sounds like Austria