Actual photograph of who's on Reddit telling you to sTaY tHE fUcK aT hOmE

1  2020-05-04 by Lifting_Sexytimes


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there's so much to do!! watch tv! consume the media! fap lots!

If you want to open up, then you want everyone to die


Why can't you stay in your home indefinitely and never see your friends or family again? I already do that every day.

-also Reddit

Honestly, I don't even care anymore. Personally, I never really go out much anyways, begin a super introvert, and I'm not gonna suddenly start going out again to spend money just to prop up the economy. And definitely not when this virus is running amuck. The only major change the lockdown has brought to my daily life is the elimination of my commute. Although my company has no plans to have workers return to the office yet, I've saved up my PTO days for if they decide to force us back prematurely.

Also love how Reddit pretends to care so much about poor people who are indebted and can't afford to miss even a week worth's of pay and somehow this means we should all get taxed higher but then apparently those same people should go without pay for months because they might get a flu.


Well yeah we all knew that. This is an autistic sub not a retarded one.

dunno about you but being exposed to arr drama for 0.0001 nanoseconds has given me severe brain damage

this is the type of people that post nsfw cringy TLDR posts on r/tifu

neckbeard goal


Didn’t realize staying home was freaking based

They're preemptively assigning blame for anyone who dies, ignoring that infection is inevitable. That's why you see so much conflation between people who can't afford to be lazy, and Trump supporters. As soon as you complain about making gardening illegal, you're given a bunch of shit about "your president" like it's a given that you're a republican. Constant consumption of simplistic, childish media has left them, ironically, only able to understand the world in binary terms.

That’s not ironic because it’s the expected result

It was a biffed joke about binary genders.

Cool. I don’t actually read your comment as it was too long. I just saw that single sentence quoted by the other reply.

Constant consumption of simplistic, childish media has left them, ironically, only able to understand the world in binary terms.

Reminds me of something. I'm from America, and a guy I went to college with (also from America) started whining on Facebook the morning after the Brexit vote. How only racist old white people went out to vote and how they should all just go die, stuff like that. I mentioned (as politely as possible) that strawmanning half a country as virulent racists is idiotic & unrealistic, and the first thing he said was "So I assume you're going to vote for Trump?"

I stopped correcting people by telling them my vote is for Jill Stein. Their laughter is worse than their derision.

you should have replied "cope"

British here. It is true half of aging population in the UK are pretty racist and xenophobic.

It's mostly the myth of "immigrants coming to take our jobs" which is ironic because first most of these pensioners obviously don't work anymore and second there some retirees that are still working in jobs that could go to younger workers who need them more.

These seniors also complain about Eastern Europeans crossing the border to get at our welfare. The most common pariah is the Polish drive-thru car washers. What they don't see is that Polish "car washers" are mostly students back home who are working during the summer to top-up their college fees.

The irony to this the very seniors who complain are the ones who will drop into these Polish car washers on the way to Sainsbury's instead of doing it themselves.

Another grievance they have is the "immigrants in our healthcare". The fact is most migrant workers are skilled professionals. We are desperate for trained doctors, surgeons and nurses in our NHS because the Conservative coalition government in 2010 tripled university and college fees making medical and care training inaccessible.

Add this to the rising burden of an aging population and it's no wonder we need to bring in migrant doctors and nurses.

Yet these same pensioners will think nothing of going into A&E to waste a doctor's time for a tickely cough.

There is also the myth that illegal immigrants are behind inner city crime, such as the scooter gangs in London and the city's notorious knife.

Well, what do you expect when you cut half of nation's entire police force and the peripheral social resources while housing prices skyrocket, all of which creates poverty bubbles.

Most pensioners still get their news from our BS tabloids. Unbelievably they STILL buy newspapers in age where everything is online and those that do go online only use Facebook where they are susceptible to bot-memes.

It really is just as your friend has said.

Too long didn't read

Cope seethe dilate simp

Then begone. Go yonder. Uninformed and clouded in mind. Sorrowful in suffarage, wilful in ignorance.


In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence

You need to copypasta my comment above into Google search. You really really do.

Also this shit has been way too fucking conflated by the media,

this is agreat read.

At this point, you simply have to have a mental deficiency. I don't have time for someone like you. Immature.

Blocked btw


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Not so sure. He strikes me more as that kind of person who claims that the police telling people to stay home is facism.

Say anything about fat guys with beards, and everyone thinks it hilarious.

Say something about young black males and crime, and everyone loses their minds.

Fedora = rightoid