Based how? What's based about it?

1  2020-05-05 by GoogleLavonAffair000


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A+ post and movie reference




  1. Based how? What's based about it? -,

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Is Joe Pesci the only based manlet on Earth?

Danny devito. Elijah Woods. The midget that played Mini Me

What did Frodo do that was so based?

My nigga handled the influence of the Ring and saved middle earth

I mean, Tolkien kinda helped him, but to each their own I guess.

True bro true

That was all Samwise. Slept on king 😴👑

Sean astin is 5'7 too.


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Vern Troyer? Guy is a reddit posting fag. Unbased (formerly RIP)

Plus he died from hanging himself with a shoelace

You’re forgetting this absolute king

You're just based is all. The things you post. They're based and redpilled, Tommy.

No, no, I don't know, you said it. How do I know? You said I'm based. How the fuck am I based, what the fuck is so based about me? Tell me, tell me what's based!

This movie was boring trash

You shut your whore mouth, infidel

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Never gets old tbh

You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm based how, I mean based like I'm a foundation? I'm a point from which something can develop I'm here to fuckin' situate as the center of operations for you? What do you mean based, based how? How am I based?

Tommy, it's not like it's how you comment on obese foids and tell it like it is. It's how you argue troid talking points in bad faith to shame lesbians into getting dicked down. It's the simultaneous devotion to honesty and dishonesty, Tommy...

Am I a 🤡?

Incredible post keep it up.

Based??? Based on what?????

Based knows his kino poster

You called me based? What am i redpilled to you?

Nothing. What? Come on, it's... you know, the way you shit on the jannies. What?
