Reminder this is a French subreddit. And it isn’t my job to educate you but it’s clear your teachers didn’t.

1  2020-05-05 by FloggingJonna


Quick reminder. Don’t downvote anyone on this sub and if you have to ask why you may take your talents to a lesser drama sub.

Who are you and why do you speak the truth?

I’m an cleverly constructed Rsrfy alt

NVM then. You're just a retarded faggot 😒

I just downvoted you :)

Mexicans literally love this holiday so who tf cares

No to was to celebrate a battle Mexico won against the French who later withdrew. This is stupid.

I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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If the mods didn't want it in their thread, they could say that or just delete my posts. At this point you're just being childish, reaching desperately for some way to be right when you're so very wrong. You can keep trying, but you've failed to make any progress thus far and won't unless you change your tactics. Repeatedly attacking my "reading comprehension" is just another sign you have no purpose here other than to try and offend me, which makes sense given what you're defending but won't actually get you anywhere, particularly when you're so wrong. Are you going to keep digging yourself into a deeper hole, or do you want to quit now?


  1. Reminder this is a French subreddit... -,

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jum apple jeff

Getting wasted on margaritas and eating tacos is pretty awesome regardless of whatever the historical context was. It's like with Christmas. Mindless consumerism is way more fun that whatever the Druids were doing.

They don’t even celebrate this in Mexico.

Who gives a fuck about mexico?


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oof. got me


I do faggot


Why tf do you think it has Mayo in the fucking name 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮

lost a war against french

Lmao. Imagine losing to french, the absolute state of tacocels.

on va pleurer sale ricain?

3000 beaners against 65 french soldiers.

Basically the Alamo except with a third of the men.

french foreign legion were a) hardcore and also b) usually not french. hence y'know, the name

You’re sooo fucking retarded. I diagnose you braindead, the treatment is to kill yourself because your mere existance is a burden to everyone

Cinco de Mayo is about the battle of Puebla tho, where the French lost lol

I thought it was a day to celebrate the creation of Mayonnaise 😤😤😤

No, it was originally to commemorate the sinking of a mayonnaise tanker with all hands in 1926

I have a stomach ache 🤢

can I do a giant runny dump on this post that I didn't read

This sub is pretty funny but I dont understand what its about, is it a french bruhfunny?

French r/Drama

Lol its as american as the OG

Ah, I've never seen anything french here though, exept the deux in the title

That’s the joke.

You belong here.

Je nique ta mère

Je viole ton chien 🤤

Chien 💊

Mexico would have been better under French control anyway.

Faites de moi un mod pour des leçons quotidiennes sur la supérieure culture française.

poopooweewee frenchie pooooooopppppies

So you mean that

Frog tacos

Haha tequila shots go siiiiiiip

Hon hon hon merci baguette

But we're pretending to be French to mock them... right, deuxchads?