lmao @ femoids

1  2020-05-05 by Flynn95


How stupid do you have to be to think that obvious retard is going to Yale?

ANYONE , I repeat ANYONE , who posts on Twitter as themselves is a certified idiot. When was the last time you heard anything positive about a Twitter incident? It's always retards cancelling themselves.

I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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You don’t break down my similes you fucker. I’m better than you in every way imaginable anyway. The tone you use in your comments is pathetic. It must be quite a touching moment of respite when you reach 100 percent method acting and if just for a moment, truly feel like you’ve accomplished anything of importance in your life. Before reality hits you like a wave of emotions and you realize you’ll never amount to anything more than defending nazis on the internet. I feel sorry for you. By the way OP said he wanted to eat my shit so...


  1. lmao @ femoids - archive.org, archive.today

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Disgusting whore

What was the vidro

Made fun if black people along the lines of ”blacks please dont rob me lmao”

no it was "hands up don't shoot" their anti police brutality line

wait what

what did my man Colby do?

It was literally just the guy saying “hey black people, hows my form?” Then him kneeling on the ground with his hands behind his head like he was being arrested. The foid’s tweet gets like 200k likes and the twitter stans email and call everyone the kid has ever come in contact with/ every college in the US. The curry foid had dozens of other tweets insulting and encouraging killing white people even though she moved from curry shithole to a white country.

#onk #onk

send her back

That's racist sweaty , do better

Happy cake day nigger!

I couldn’t even imagine acting this entitled in another country. I’ve been to Egypt and I’ve been to Kuwait before, and would be unthinkable to me to start doxxing, harassing, and calling the employees of people who say mean things about white people there.

imagine being a guest in someones country and acting like that, a lot of immigrants in europe act the same

i'm glad corona-chan has basically permanently stopped m*ss immigration

Its hilarious how the curry femoid is perfectly fine with doxxing another person but suddenly feels like a victim when people doxx her l m a o


T h a n k s f a g g o t

i’m honestly so happy they reversed it on her feels good

Makes me wish there was a place dedicated purely to counter-doxxing these pearl clutching pieces of shit. It's all I'd do all day. Something about hate mob zealots dying by the sword just feels like the ultimate cosmic justice.

There is. It's called 4chan

How the fuck does someone like that even get here in the first place? They just fly here and then never leave?

H1B visa -> some failure amongst the millions of hoops they have to jump through -> deciding that your chances of coming back legally are about one in a million -> figuring fuck it, might as well work and save money until you're actually booted.

The equation is pretty shit for Indians - it's an incredible lottery to get an H1 spot (literally), and then the average waiting time for a greencard from from there on out is 50 years.

I know couples where they're both in $200k+ jobs (but actually earning less because there is usually a middle man that completely bones them), and their most practical way to getting out of the H1 hamster wheel is having kids, having them grow up, and sponsoring them for a greencard.

Shit's crazy stupid.

Yeah I know, I would be in that category if I ever wanted to actually stay here. I’m in the H1B1 though so no lottery for me

Yes, that's how most r illegal immigrants get here


typical minority...

personal information about me like my citizenship status

yeah because people with legitimate citizenship status are always concerned about shit like this

Uh oh, it says here you don't have citizenship. Well then, back to Bangladesh it is for you. Here, wear this bedsheet with 2 holes cut out, you don't want your uncles seeing you like this.

Even worse, she's Canadian.

Illegal immigrants living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones at ICE agents.

I don't think about it at all, because I'm not some curryngger immgrant (alhamdullilah!)

Twitter is ruthless, I just went on there for five minutes and found multiple accounts dedicated to doxxing high schoolers and getting them expelled for making edgy jokes

Based. Teaching dumb kids there are consequences for being stupid in public. 🤣

It would be great to take normal tik toks and edit them to be racist and send them to be doxxed.

I fucking hate Twitter

Report them for targeted harassment.

Damn imagine being such a sad, bitter loser

Imagine? Just go to ahs lmao

I feel like AHS are way less effective, they're more about crying and posting cp.

Yeah, consequences of ahs are that you have to shitpost in a different subreddit. Whereas the twitter doxxers are trying to ruin kids' (or young adults' (whoever's using tiktok)) lives. It smacks of having accomplished nothing and just wanting to tear other people down instead of building people up, and it's under the self deluded pretense that they're doing something noble and useful.

theyre way less effective, cry more and post cp

So theyre even bigger losers?



Report them for targeted harassment.


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Report them for targeted harassment.

obligatory "its ok when we do it"


High schoolers!!???? Fuck. How have these doxxers not been arrested yet?


For what, nanny state faggot?

Report them for targeted harassment.

in my time, in high school we would just bully the autistic nerds and do inappropriate comments about school valgirls

Report them for targeted harassment.

damn imagine if blacks put the same amount into getting a real job instead of playing on twitter

Oh no, there’s heckin consequences for my actions!

Yeah getting kicked out of high school for saying the no no word is a legit consequence lmao fuck off kike

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he didn’t get kicked out faggot nigger.

Bro I throw swear words around look at me im so cool

no but being so fucking retarded to put your face on a racist tik tok and expect for fags not to try and doxx you is dumb

This is true actually if you’re facedoxxed and say something dumb then you sort of deserve it for being a retard.

Exactly my sentiment. Imagine being so low IQ you would attach your real life identity to shit that can get you cancelled

Lol imagine thinking that every business with more than 150 employees doesn't have a HR person paid to monitor every employees social media activities now. This shit doesn't stop at college as long as you work at a place and they pay you your social media presence is being scrutinized .

Well, yeah tbh. Why shouldn't it be? Maybe if you're some public school poor you can get away with that shit, but decent schools will expel you for being this much of a faggot.

I feel like the people who are too cucked to say no no words are the real faggots in this situation.

I'm glad that you think every passing normie in the universe is cucked, but that edgy nonsense simply marks you as a faggot unable to function in society.


No need. I'm not worried about the poor defenseless children.

I know, right, I mean some people are just like "waaaaah you can't necklace me for using the name on your ID instead of your preferred African freedman name!" Hey shitlord how about just not being a fuckin RACIST and you won't have to die a horrible death how about that? Black power N sheeeit.

lay off the meth until PM hours baboon

Don't you have unsuspecting white families to murder for having a teenage son who used the N word in a private conversation that you found out about when you were spying on them?

today le monke learns a new word:

consequences 🤪

Consequences for what? Meanie words? Free speech isn't criminalized in most of civilized world.

What does anything being criminalized or not have to do with this entire conversation?

I'm sure this kid feels awesome that at least it wasn't the big bad government who took his life away because he made an edgy joke on the internet.

He should be blaming his parents, who underbeat him and left him a retard who says gamer words in public, with the expected consequences thereof.

No, actually he should be blaming the pieces of fucking shit who are actually harming him.

His parents did harm him - they raised a retard who is now doomed to get expelled and fired for not being able to fit in.

No, they raised a normal human being who makes edgy jokes as a teenager.

Your parents, on the other hand, it seems, raised a humorless asshole who will never make anyone happy to be in your presence.

I also made edgy jokes as a teenager - in private, with my friends, like a normal fucking human being. I did a lot of the shit you're not supposed to do - in private, with my friends, like a normal fucking human being.

I don't know why this sort of autism is so prevalent these days, but shit has changed.

No, but you do post on reddit, so let's not pretend like you're above making a public buffoon of yourself. Stand up comedians have been making worse jokes in public since the beginning of time.

Anonymously, you dipstick.

Tell that to Ken Bone or hanassholesolo or any of the other people who thought they were anonymous but got torn down anyway for offending the wrong people.

There is no comparison when you put out a video of yourself being a gamer on the internet with your fucking face in it. How is this hard to understand?

Obviously there is if it took an entire mob of detectives to find his high school and harass them over it.

That’s why you don’t put a video of yourself being a gaymer out into the wide world. Someone out there will recognize your dumb ass.

No, that's why we need a better campaign to name and shame the people who think it's acceptable to dox high schoolers and harass their schools. Which is what happened to the foid in the OP.

I don’t feel sorry for either of them one bit. Both got what they deserved.

Nah he didn't deserve this. No black person is making less money just because some teenager said nigger on tik tok.

Of course he deserves this, for not keeping his teenage faggotry confined to his immediate friends like god intended.

And, yet, again, here you are not keeping your faggotry confined to your immediate friends.

The autism is pretty strong when you don’t see the difference between shitposting on drama and putting your face on that shit.

I don't expect teenagers to. Expecting a teenager to think about the future is like expecting a woman to think about whose car she might hit when she opens her door.

You don’t have to expect anything, but for decades now, being a gaymer in public got your ass expelled from any decent school. Turns out the rest of society does expect a minimum level of non-autism from the youth, and retards being fucked occasionally is a good example to the rest.

"Hey, sorry a bunch of blacks threw your baby in a tub full of hot water and scalded him to death, but maybe a bunch of other people who look like you shouldn't have instituted apartheid. Consequences, bitch!"

Maybe you should learn the word "justice".

you’re coping so hard you’ve become incoherent

Bro yo mama so fat she looks like big chungus

Hey, sorry a bunch of blacks threw your baby in a tub full of hot water and scalded him to death, but maybe a bunch of other people who look like you shouldn't have instituted apartheid. Consequences, bitch!

This but unironically. Mayocide when?

It's already happening in South Africa. Maybe you should move there.

I already ooga booga there mayo. Seethe

Sorry Emmet sweaty you shouldn’t have flirted with that white woman actions have consequences buddy


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Why do these people think removing someone from education will help them?

You can report them for targeted harassment.

Based. Retarded zoomers need to learn to not display their retardation publicly for the whole internet to witness

Seriously. Dumb zoomers are too blatant about this shit. Make a joke to your friends, you don’t need e-popularity.


If you Look over here children you will see a cautionary tale about why one should avoid becoming a dumb bitch.

I was one of the people that successfully got her reported for spreading private info. I'm actually fucking surprised leftoid twitter mods even cared about reports regarding dishwashers, usually they only react to based Deux Chads.

I reported her and her family of leeches to ICE

so she's an illegal trying to get an american boy expelled from high school. what in the fuck?

🤔 why is Twitter the one platform that is allowed to have doxxing with no repetcussions?

Because Twitter is based.

Forgot about 4chan

citizenship status

Someone get her deported so one of these kids can make a tiktok about it lmao

floss on em

Get flosd on bitch

One of these days these people are going to go after someone and that someone is going to be crazy enough to act on having their life ruined. I think these people underestimate how far people would be willing to go to get their revenge


Can someone link the original video?


someone send colby a medal for being so BASED!

Wtf is racist about this lmao, I hadn't even heard of the concept of ashy skin until I read about it from black people

Black fragility

One word can make cities burn and blood flow in the streets sweaty but mayos are far more fragile

I'm actually so glad she got exactly what she deserved, my regards to whoever did so. You can't expect to try and ruin someones fucking life and not get paid back in due.

Whatd he do

This didn't go far enough. Every person who retweeted this is responsible and should face consequences too. This bitch will never learn her lesson and even if she does, the next bitch sure isn't.

I wonder what the tiktok was about that so deeply offended her.

Good job turning a classic race fight into being about "femoids", incel

The tides a-turning fellers and it's about to get very based

We need to drive f*ids off the internet for good