Ben & Jerry's rise up

1  2020-05-05 by throwaway526673


Probably because they dont give a fuck and hang around the block.

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Fucking sentient.









N -word

N wort





I'm so proud of this community



but but i thought that we wuz kangz and immune and shiet

If we = deuxchads, then you’re 100% right.

What am I supposed to do with this information?

Actively ecourage nonblacks to contract covid to balance this out?

Thats right sweaty it's your fault blacks keep hosting block parties mid quarantine!

Publicly announce your white guilt on an approved platform, and pay reparations.

Interracial sex should help with the equity imbalance.

Flair checks out


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Buy Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chunk ice cream to spread awareness that being fat and black are risk factors for contracting COVID19.

Kill the ones that get it to bring their numbers down.

Spit on some mayos

Yes that's correct. Along with vasectomies.

I see constant shitposts of random blacks getting arrested in jew york for failing to follow basic quarantine rules where dozens of other idiots run out to stand around in a pile filming and screaming "he didndu nuffin"

I bet behaviour like that has nothing to do with the infection rate tho kek

The tards in the NYC sub are like "ree why are there people outside" but ree when they see the law actually enforced because the police used physical force instead of telepathically subduing some nigga pulling up while they were detaining someone else. I've never seen more sheltered retards. It's also home to hot takes like "100K in NYC isn't even that much because I have to eat out or order food or consoom every other day while living smack in the middle of the city paying 3.5K a month for rent". I've seen literal 14 year olds chapoposting on Twitter so I don't even know how many of them are actual children.

I fucking hate city slicking redditoids REEEEEEEEEEEE

I wonder what the social distancing rate between the races are

The virus is just more likely to check black people if they follow basic quarantine rules.

Whites don't follow quarantine rules just as much, but the virus does not check on them. If the virus did, we would notice that whites don't follow the quarantine rules, too.

I think when they heard Africa had low infections they assumed the disease was going to take care of yt for them.

The memes are just waiting for a minor Photoshop

Thank you covid-19

13%? Where have i seen that statistic before?

Despite being 13% of the population...

"...[blacks] make up 40% of the prison population."
-Ben and Jerry

Almost the same as the rates of diabetes.

This ratio is significantly better then others. Good job basketball Americans


Yeah because it’s in cities retard


Nope nurgers

They aren't social distancing at all lmao. I live in a large southern city which will not be named and black people are still having fucking block parties down here lol

I live near a Podunk town of 5000 and that has like 1000 basketball Americans. They have big barbecues and parties there all the time in "the bad part of town"

living in a town with a black population over 0%

Were you kicked in the head by a horse?

Imagine not being able to understand the concept of living near as opposed to in.

Holy shit, BTFO.

living with any amount of m*yos


Yup same as those inbreds and boomers going to all these lockdown protests, This entire quarentine thing isn't going to work with a fourth of this country being functionally retarded

Nope it's not .

There was a post on wallstreet bets a couple months ago comparing the google location data for Italy and South Korea to the US with the thesis that the US is retarded and worst of economic fallout is yet to come. Italy and SK visits to parks and shit was down 90% US was down like 40%. US is mostly only going though the motions of quarantine

What if we just quarantine all the blacks? Like, if we just concentrated them in one place and kept them away from each other, think of how many lives we could save.



lmao you can’t make this shit up

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Ben & Jerry's has been dead to me ever since they shitcanned Rainforest Crunch.


What the fuck does this have to do with ice cream

Why does an ice cream manufacturer have to get involved with politics?


Racist ass crakkka ass mofuckn coronavirus

They are more effected by obesity too. Maybe because of junk food business targeting them with their virtue signal marketing.

Instead of having block parties they should be charging the capital buildings with guns and spit on cops.