Rentcel badmins shoah’d the only good sub

1  2020-05-05 by saoisaterribleanime


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Shut the fuck up. Chances are you will never have to face issues related to abuse or racism (assuming you’re white) and because of that it will always be something you can “joke” about, because it will never seriously affect you. Maybe if you actually knew what it felt like to be secondary or othered because of your race, or if you were traumatized from domestic violence or knew someone who was, you’d know why this makes the people actually affected by that uncomfortable. This meme could trigger flashbacks and other trauma for an abuse victim and ruin their entire day, possibly their entire fucking week or even more, and they’d have to deal with that because some edgelord thought it would be a funny meme format.


  1. Rentcel badmins shoah’d the only go... -,*

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To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize

The Chapos think they won, but in reality they utterly btfo'd themselves by proving once and for all that tenants are the REAL Bourgeoisie

Kids with leukemia BTFO

Cancer is simply God's method of criticism.

Karma and reincarnation are real and you deserve everything bad that happens to you

Gay transexual afro-chinese jews with physical and mental disabilities?


The other day I was on my way to work and a gay transexual afro-chinese jews with physical and mental disabilities rolled towards me and demanded 15 dollars. I said no I need that money for lunch and suddenly alarms sounded. A bunch of black "men" wearing lipstick came out of the bushes and tickled me until I finally couldn't take it anymore and gave my disabled overlord its money. Fuck this society.

fuck this society



Threaten to kill landlords: Ok.

Make fun of above group: Ban.

what the actual fuck reddit


Rentcels can seethe all they want, that checks still gotta be made out and signed.

Rentcels seem to live rent free in our heads 🤑😔


Leddit is run by incompetent retards, who woulda thunk it...

banned for ban/quarantine evasion

But that sub was an arrDrama offshoot, wasn't it? WTF.

Unless this was just some Chapo infiltrated in the Paid Janny headquarters who realized they could kill their worst enemy for no reason and get away with it if they did it before it got popular enough to be under another admin's radar, we might be the next.

If we are, it was a privilege shitposting with you, gentlemen.


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Uhh... why would they ban that sub? lmao.

Because the rent is due.

This community has been banned

This subreddit was banned due to making chapos seethe and reaffirming that the rent is due at the end of each month to serve the rightful owner of the property as he is allowing you to live there, this ain't no charity you broke ass niggas.


Not sure how an absolute seethefest chapo offshoot sub is fine but a sub making fun of it gets the axe. It’s like if braincels avoided quarantine and inceltears got banned, it genuinely doesn’t make sense.

To all my Kings we had a good time. If anyone needs support let me know my sub r/dramabutwithpinging was banned 3 months into its life 😔

Holy shit I never thought they would ban it.


It's back!!!!!!!!!

reddit is a liberal commie organisation

but fear not brothers cause Hallah is on our side !!!!


what was their excuse? t was a funny sub

2 years ago: anything goes

1 year ago: sub banned for racism/threats of violence

Now: sub banned for not complying with communist ideology