Jewish Doctor Refuses HRT to Black Trannies out of Respect, Anti-Semite Comes From the Woodwork to Spew Hatred. "Nazi is just a colloquialism!" Jewish Doctor then Banned by Mods for his Ethnicity

1  2020-05-05 by Dudeguy21


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  1. Jewish Doctor Refuses HRT to Black ... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers


what does this mean. explain like im retard

thanks nigga. didn't see them deleted

So (((they))) were the most opressed all along, even trannies are opressing them.

I'm just a removeddit bot

An unstopable force meets an immovable object

A jew that doesn't want to take part in the degradation of society, what timeline is this

Reverse (((psychology)))

Picture of a black dude:


absolute meltdown