A million PVC pipes filled with explosives are worse than 100 intercontinental nuclear missiles from land, the air, and under the ocean undetectable anywhere on earth before launch. You want I should report you for antisemitism goy?
I feel like buying insurance policies for the buildings in Tel Aviv, decides not to go back to work after doctor's appointment is canceled then dancing from a distance when the missiles hit.
These are all just coincidences, just like how the pnac document was written in Israel and neocons are almost all jewish. It's also a complete coincidence that we attempted to follow the pnac document after 9/11. Just a whole bunch of coincidences absolutely nothing to see no sir
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-05
What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...
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4 ConfrontationalKosm 2020-05-05
Can they just do it already then?
4 kermit_was_wrong 2020-05-05
First, they're shitty missiles.
Second, I had no idea Lithuania had any missiles pointed at Israel. Based alcoholics.
3 strumyabird 2020-05-05
Sounds like Israel needs more military aid. Send in the USS Liberty.
2 radical_racism 2020-05-05
Ah yes an Israeli jet , say hello on the radio
3 VanillaReign 2020-05-05
Tbh I'm pretty disappointed America doesn't have more missiles pointed at Israel. I bet we don't even have one.
2 AutoModerator 2020-05-05
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2 yocrappacrappa 2020-05-05
Haha. Iron dome go Whoosh!
2 UnalignedRando 2020-05-05
So why don't they fire them all at the same time?
1 SnapshillBot 2020-05-05
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1 xammysosa 2020-05-05
1 boyoyoyoyong 2020-05-05
Bottle rockets aren't particularly menacing
3 BalkanPartisan 2020-05-05
A million PVC pipes filled with explosives are worse than 100 intercontinental nuclear missiles from land, the air, and under the ocean undetectable anywhere on earth before launch. You want I should report you for antisemitism goy?
1 ClickableLinkBot 2020-05-05
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1 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-05-05
Feels good man
1 section_sign 2020-05-05
I feel like buying insurance policies for the buildings in Tel Aviv, decides not to go back to work after doctor's appointment is canceled then dancing from a distance when the missiles hit.
1 Neighborhood-Fedpost 2020-05-05
Is your name Larry Silverstein?
0 boyoyoyoyong 2020-05-05
These are all just coincidences, just like how the pnac document was written in Israel and neocons are almost all jewish. It's also a complete coincidence that we attempted to follow the pnac document after 9/11. Just a whole bunch of coincidences absolutely nothing to see no sir
1 SchnupfStaffel 2020-05-05
Bomb me daddy uwu