r/upliftingnews r/oddlysatisfying r/wholesome100 r/madlads

1  2020-05-05 by Hell0Everyone


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Can they just do it already then?

First, they're shitty missiles.

Second, I had no idea Lithuania had any missiles pointed at Israel. Based alcoholics.

Sounds like Israel needs more military aid. Send in the USS Liberty.

Ah yes an Israeli jet , say hello on the radio

Tbh I'm pretty disappointed America doesn't have more missiles pointed at Israel. I bet we don't even have one.


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Haha. Iron dome go Whoosh!

So why don't they fire them all at the same time?


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Bottle rockets aren't particularly menacing

A million PVC pipes filled with explosives are worse than 100 intercontinental nuclear missiles from land, the air, and under the ocean undetectable anywhere on earth before launch. You want I should report you for antisemitism goy?



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Feels good man

I feel like buying insurance policies for the buildings in Tel Aviv, decides not to go back to work after doctor's appointment is canceled then dancing from a distance when the missiles hit.

Is your name Larry Silverstein?

These are all just coincidences, just like how the pnac document was written in Israel and neocons are almost all jewish. It's also a complete coincidence that we attempted to follow the pnac document after 9/11. Just a whole bunch of coincidences absolutely nothing to see no sir

Bomb me daddy uwu