All Redditors are brainlets

1  2020-05-05 by agrees2retards


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Spez an Aryan doe 😳

I hope this site fucjijg dies.

You first MAYO

Go suck a bat off maybe Coronavirus and AIDS will create something even deadlier.

There is no new China without reddit awards. Re-educate those muslims and unharmonious dissidents, CCP.

Now this guys... is AKSHLY based!



/r/Wuhan_Flu in a nutshell

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  1. All Redditors are brainlets -,

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But what about my upcummies

Xi is a mulatto with Mongol phenotype

China bad but unironically

This but without any irony whatsoever

China is more based than Amerimutts will ever be.

Ok batmuncher

Okay dogfucker.

Better than fucking indian men


cope because women would rather fuck dogs than you?

No, cope because white women would rather fuck dogs than white men.

Poo in the loo


Imagine being an indian male lol😂😂😂

Imagine being a whitoid male lol 🐖🐷🐷

Your skin literally looks like all the poo in the streets of India lol

Hey, at least I'm not a 300-pound, cheese-smelling, red-faced, rosaceated, mouth-breathing, Cheeto-covered, dog-fucking, balding, 1-inch-dick slob with skin the color of cum who fucks his sister and looks like someone shaped a pasty lump of mayonnaise into a monument dedicated to fat rolls.

Hahahaha the manlet poo in the loo is mad that indian women whore themselves out to white males when the come to white countries lol stay mad cuck

Indians have the lowest rate of exogamy out of any minority race in the west. No one wants to marry a disgusting mayo manlet who'll beat her and divorce her a few years later.

"Online dating"

'Nuff said.

Lol when you marry a fellow poo in a few years she'll be full of white sperm you can clean up afterwards, have fun

As if I'd marry a non-virgin. Of course, to degenerate western whores like you, the idea of saving yourself for marriage is simply inconceivable.

Me too bro, that's based. The rest of your race is still full of unhygenic degenerates. Have fun in your smelly utopia indian manlet...

i-i-i swear im not seething guys look look m-mayocide

Unironically yes. You guys are outnumbered, and your days are numbered. Enjoy getting cucked by refugees.

The concept of a toilet is alien technology to your subhuman kind. The discussion ends there. COPE HARDER!!111

And you'd rather fuck white women than whatever ugly, repulsive animals your people produce and call "women", lmao.

Lmao. Just because you have a self-hatred towards the women of your own race (rather understandable given the state of white women, I must admit), doesn't mean everyone else does.

Keep coping, subhuman.

What a lame thread lol

hard cope.


hard seethe.

Hard dilate.

more buzzwords retard

Better than boiling it alive, ching chong

I'm not even Chinese, whitetard. Look at my profile.


Based but I'd rather live in a not based country

This! So much this! Some kind sir needs to gild you.

Gild, or geld?

The one spergy thing I allow myself to do is to encourage my friends and family to refer to Taiwan as the republic of China, just to spite the communists.


Based commies.

Rip in peace chinese taipeicels

I agree, kind strangerino!

China good. Downvoted and awarded.

China good but unironically


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Based on what?

BASED on reality u cuck

Based China profiting off anti-China rhetoric. Thanks Redditors, I too welcome our Chinese overlords.

Ni-hao gozaimas desu!

Chinese truly are the chosenites of the orient

no doubt

Better then the oven-dodgers I say

Yellow jews

A really smart move

Thanks for the maymay, chang. Very cool!

This is exactly what I've been saying for a while. Only way to put it to China is to stop using Reddit but they won't lol

You know OP, there's a 99% chance someone will give you awards for this post.


If they do, you better delete that acc.

I sure wouldn't want retards to keep throwing their money away 🤭

Based chinaman collecting money for CPC through reverse psychology

I'm going to Game-End the retards who gilded this

Who the fuck is that punchable fellow on the left



Love em or hate em, he really cute doe

I want to drink from his skull

Based and Sea Raider pilled

Away with you vile mayo


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It's the CEO of this shithole

LMAO what the fuck. He looks like he works at Mc Donalds

Hell I thought it was a Harry Potter meme from the thumbnail.

The big turd in the pile you say?

Is there a reverse award? can I charge people for making bad posts?

Yes, go have a happy life, have some kids, and teach them to bully nerds at school.


Xi looks like a sweetheart but that dude is going to hell.

In my mind hes the bad guy from the chinese consulate in 24 and ill never forgive Xi for torturing Jack Bauer

Is it the one who gets captured at the end, I'm a it rusty by now - plus they all look the same.

Its been a while since ive seen it, but I think Jack japs him on james cromwells oil rig in season 5 or 6. Whichever one came before they jumped the shark and killed off ctu los angeles.

s6 finale Cromwell dies on the rig, and the main Chinaman gets arrested on a bridge somewhere else I think?

Guess it's time to rewatch spyshit lol



China haven't done anything wrong you retard

I fucking hate niggers do god damn much fuck them fuck them all to death fucking niggers kys


I noticed you dropped 4 f-bombs in this comment. This might be necessary, but using nicer language makes the whole world a better place.

Maybe you need to blow off some steam - in which case, go get a drink of water and come back later. This is just the internet and sometimes it can be helpful to cool down for a second.

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Fuck you. Bad not. Nigger bot, in fact

Spez needs to be publicly executed

China is Asshoe

OP profits from organ harvesting