Have to wear a mask in public but find it hard to breathe? This lady has the solution to keep the cops off your back!

5  2020-05-05 by whiteypoints


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I hope they keep the screens from now on just so I can keep a barrier between myself and the mouthbreathing retailcels.

🤓🤓 heres an argument 4 u bud: both sides r massive faggots 👌😂[1][2]


  1. True (2016)

  2. Fact (1981)

lmao @ u 👈👈👈 You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in


  1. Have to wear a mask in public but f... - archive.org, archive.today

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Rather than actually confronting her about the stupidity he puts on a niceguy act while secretly ridiculing her on a chink app, reddit moment

He wasn't even wearing his mask...

As opposed to being an alpha male and getting fired for abusing a customer in the middle of a depression?

How the fuck would that be abuse? That's literal store policy everywhere around me that's open. Tell her she has to leave until she has a proper mask, and she's a foid so you can escalate accordingly. Pretty sure the manager wouldn't seethe over losing $10 of fucking gas.

I could have interpreted it incorrectly, but when he says ghetto ass mask and he said confront her about her stupidity I took it more literally, which may not be what he meant.

Whoops, thought I was on a different sub.

I meant to say that I would point and laugh at the dumb mayo Karen and then say cope or seethe or something.

You can inform someone that their mask is ineffective without abusing them

Imagine halfway doing your job instead of going for more internet clout ...