Anime isn't just a bunch of cheap American ripoffs of cartoons, it's art. Next time you American sheeple are watching your simpsons or south park or whatever mindless American cartoons that have plots, storylines and comedy, I'll be Admiring the wonderful and superior art of Chinese cartoons.
5 BigFatGamerNuts 2020-05-05
Only ifunniers will understand
4 YTtears4fearsDSCoolC 2020-05-05
cringe is there twice
2 spaztickthepriest 2020-05-05
*24 times
1 SnapshillBot 2020-05-05
Anime isn't just a bunch of cheap American ripoffs of cartoons, it's art. Next time you American sheeple are watching your simpsons or south park or whatever mindless American cartoons that have plots, storylines and comedy, I'll be Admiring the wonderful and superior art of Chinese cartoons.
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1 clean-it-up-jannies 2020-05-05
You forgot the most important word of the bunch: dilate
1 Melonskal 2020-05-05
What the fuck does it even mean
1 koloPL 2020-05-05
trannies to keep their mutilated dicks from exploding have to shove a glass tube in there 2 times a day
1 Melonskal 2020-05-05
oh lmao
1 Schr1mpy 2020-05-05
I'm definitely buying a sissy slut femboy with my trumpbux, thanks daddy donald 🥰
1 YaBoiDylan66 2020-05-05