Gender criticals get red pilled 1488 style

4  2020-05-05 by UnalignedRando


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"incels have found a way to fuck lesbians" these girls definitely liked to nibble electrical cables when they were young because their brains obvious short circuit when they think too hard.

Nobody will ever be able to convince me that 90% of these transwomen are not incels who think they found a loophole to fuck lesbians.

Idk pretty good take for a foid might do well in these circles

I’m so confused, what even is this sub? Is it just really edgy satire? That might aswell be t_d by it’s sincerity. Then I saw some comments saying that it’s welcoming of all people and just to ignore those who say anything rude, which was upvoted, but then so was a reply which intentionally misgendered someone??

I I dont get what is going on here


  1. Gender criticals get red pilled 148... -,*

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Me too, /u/snapshillbot, me too.

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TERFs are so obsessed with trans women, they can't stop talking about them, they even made cute nicknames to refer to them like Tim. How adorable.


Um sweaty, trans women don't exist, I'm pretty sure you're talking about men in dresses

Right, gender doesn’t exist


all women who don't believe trannys are TERFs

wtf why are TERFs so obsessed with trannys???

Maybe because trannys invented the word TERF because they always want everything to be about them?

Quad being based as per usual 👍

It seems that those "feministst" get raped by trannies daily, I would definitely obsess about something that rapes me 1000% of the time.

The tran are pretty based then

I'm not against rape, except if I was the target.

It’s overrated. If it happened to me, id probably get over it in a day

It mostly happens to fois, and they thrive on drama, so of course they'll have to build it up into a "major trauma".

>conservative feminists making spicy Hitler memes on leddit

what the fuck is post-2016 Earth


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This is the best timeline.