shitty meme followed up by the worst two comments i may have read today

5  2020-05-06 by mefu63


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I unironically want to hug the crying boomer.

No father should have to deal with that. Troids like every other childhood problem is the sole territory of single mothers

Literally the first chapter of the bible guys 🙄 we were warned about them

He just wanted to grill

Now he has a grill (propane) 😂


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i feel so fucking bad

Imagine just wanting a son you can be proud of and you get...that.

this is why you don’t have precum babies

“Calm down big guy, you did all you could”

He’s a boomer. It was probably his fault, homos.


That man will be RIDIN WITH BIDEN for sure

he'll have a few rounds of Quake and be ok

No that's gay.

Hahahahaha, so ironic, amirite?

Eastern Europe is quickly realizing the wrong side won

Nah it's more about what happened afterwards. West of the wall there were no consequences for the war, the Americans bombarded them with money, the Americans set them up for capitalist economic boom and prosperity, same with South Korea for example. Meanwhile we got socialism. As a result of which a lot of people died, lot of misery was caused and basically we didn't start developing economically until we got rid of it in the 90's.

The generation of people who still remember suffering west of the wall is long gone. East of the wall not so much, hence we still know what a real problem is, men aren't so feminine, and are raised far more rough, kids still get spanked. And we don't need to make up new problems (gender inequality, alphabet genders, "racism").

However this will change... Especially due to the immense cultural influence of the anglosphere, kids are literally raised on American movies and American TV shows, American politics and celebrities, American social media, American video-games, American/British music and now American internet influencers. And even if we (central europe) want to do something about it, we can't, we have given up sovereignty when we joined the EU and it's too late now.

Asia will probably be the last bastion of reasonable people, as they are largely culturally self sufficient.

As for if Germany had taken over... well... Slavs would be slaves once again so yeah nah lol.

I can't speak for "Eastern Europe" as in this red though, as we don't really have much contact. Maybe alcoholism prevents gay and they'll be fine.

I miss longpostbot.

This. Five sentences or less, “people.”

My bad, let me just remove all the periods and make them commas instead :3

Grammatical sentences, or post-ironic kang speak only.

Done correctly it is not an error of grammar, but style. Notably, the Rotter's Club has like a 10 000 word sentence, which is completely grammatically correct. But I am illiterate so you'd suffer 😊.

Nah, liberalism is going to naturally and hopefully decay to the point where people get so fed up with it that there'll be huge backlash to it. Normal people have no idea about any of this bullshit, and when all the trannies start trying to become mainstream and lecture previously disconnected people about their bullshit, they're literally going to bring about their own destruction.

American "liberalism"

I sure hope, but as is, I am not entirely convinced. We're actually loosing our own cultural beliefs and values, I don't see how they'd come back. We celebrate our own holidays less and less because they're now seen as sexist for example. The influence is just too much, and we aren't terribly patriotic either. In the US this shit has been going on for decades and it shows no signs of slowing down. I wouldn't bet on the majority of people to somehow see reason, especially if it's going to be the generation of people who are literally raised surrounded by nothing but progressive? nonsense. I believe you can easily mold people into whatever you want nowadays. 24/7 stream of false information.

I might just be pessimistic though, had spent too much time at a very leftist university in Germany and on this degenerate site....

Go ask a dock worker in Hamburg what his pronouns are, and tell him that celebrating christmas makes him racist. He'll think you're retarded.

Yeah, that is true, even more so in my home country. But regardless of that, leftist laws are being made, the media will not tell those people that's something they should be angry about and it will be a gradual change. Even now most people would be angry about a lot of the laws that are passed, but they just don't know or their understanding of the issue is completely twisted.

Its the slow cultural shift I am worried about. 100 years ago, if you told the dock worker that he is equal with a black person he'd think you're retarded too. Gen Z will be... interesting.

I’m not sure, lot of people call trannies someone who seeks atteation but for example one of my teachers says that william jenmer is “brave”(whatever that means).

That's not "liberalism" I wouldn't say - though these terms don't mean much anyway I guess.

Still unemployed?

Aye, it's corona time after all.

It’s like that good times create weak men saying

Pretty much. But apparently when taken to the absurd it creates women lol

Why anime? Is that what they think they look like?

I haven't watched/read Re:Zero (which was originally a light novel, not an anime/manga) yet, but from what I've heard, Felix (on the left) is a character who is essentially a femboy. Trans redditoids think he's trans because there are a bunch of passages where he talks about wanting to be feminine or whatever. There's a part where he says he's "male in body and soul", but this is chalked up to Japanese people being bad with trans issues or something. Just google "felix trans canon" and search by reddit to see all the autistic arguments. example

To be fair though, it seems like this character could easily be portrayed as a trans character.

tldr you fucking weeb

TLDR He's an anime boy in girl clothes ie: crossdresser/trap and delusional redditors think that they'll look like him if they chug enough estrogen

Felix (on the left) is a character who is essentially a femboy. Trans redditoids think he's trans because there are a bunch of passages where he talks about wanting to be feminine or whatever.

he's a transbian

I had a period of time where I was obsessed with felix and really wanted to cream pie him

Yo based?

It was my repressed bisexuality due to my religion flaring up cuz I had to break up w my boyfriend just a few months prior

Definitely based, yes.

probably what they want to look like which is well, unrealistic at best

Anime used to be an outsider/weird kid / autist thing and while it has become way mainstream its only the shows that are popular ( dbz That Titan show wtf ever it's called and stuff like that) the weirdo hentai catgirl stuff still mainly appeals to the outsider/weird kid / autist so they use the obscure anime shows to reference stuff because they are so socially unaware that only other outsider/ weird kid/ autists get it and think everyone understands their very small and obscure refferrence. Think of the weird kid who tried to belittle you because you didn't know some stupid capeshit character in school. Stuff like that.


They think that's how everyone sees them as because they're mentally unstable and experiencing psychosis and we are supposed to go along with it and cater to that delusion. .

dude I'm Napoleon lmao

The show that catgirls is from is pretty mainstream among people who watch anime.


I don't get this thing about anime being for weird kids when there was many anime on TV in most countries

It's because anime is Asian animation, and Asians are weird.

I remember being a kid watching DBZ in America, and then I went to the 3rd world and was watching Dragon Ball and Gundam G on tv there lol.

There are shows that don't even have English subtitles but are dubbed for other languages

Oh look it's the type of person I was referring to

Nani the fuck did you just fucking iimasu about watashi, you chiisai bitch desuka? Watashi’ll have anata know that watashi graduated top of my class in Nihongo 3, and watashi’ve been involved in iroirona Nihongo tutoring sessions, and watashi have over sanbyaku perfect test scores. Watashi am trained in kanji, and watashi is the top letter writer in all of southern California. Anata are nothing to watashi but just another weaboo. Watashi will korosu anata the fuck out with vocabulary the likes of which has never been mimasu’d before on this continent, mark watashino fucking words. Anata thinks anata can get away with hanashimasing that kuso to watashi over the intaaneto? Omou again, fucker. As we hanashimasu, watashi am contacting watashino secret netto of otakus across the USA, and anatano IP is being traced right now so you better junbishimasu for the ame, ujimushi. The ame that korosu’s the pathetic chiisai thing anata calls anatano life. You’re fucking shinimashita’d, akachan.

The only animes that was on TV in the US and are mainstream for my generation are Pokemon, DBZ, and Naruto. My mom only knows Speed Racer and my dad doesn't even understand what an anime is.

This must be some eurotrash thing I don't understand.

Europe, south america and asia

The best part about this is the fact that troomer characters in anime are literally made to be comic relief. Theyre never serious, theyre always used to add comedic traits to whatever scene theyre in and their entire existence boils down to "heh u just hit on a guy u r gay lol"

Since I have had sex I wouldnt know much about the tropes of anime.

In Canada, at least from my experience, anime is reaaaaaally mainstream. I know more boys/men my age that have watched 6-7 anime than those that haven't watched one or only 1 or 2.

Here's a test to try: walk up to any random leaf you don't know and open up with 'whats your favorite anime?" And see what their response is. Sorry sweaty sounds like you hang out with weebs

Maybe it's my school that was just weird, but it was not just me and my friends that watched a couple of anime. Like I said most students my age watched many anime.

Oh it's definitely became more mainstream in the last few years but it still has a stigma to it and rightly so due to the weird kid association. Here's another experiment: go to any decent sized bookstore. Look at the people browsing the manga section compared to the capeshit readers even. There's a drastic difference between the awkwardness and plain old disheveled look in the 2. Now look at the other people browsing the other sections compared to the capeshitters and the drastic difference in those 2,

anime is highly correlated with autism is highly correlated with being trans.

I don't like that autism is correlated with trannies. I doubt most of those retards actually have any form of autism, they're just attention-starved as always.

Not liking it doesn't mean it's not true sweaty

it's what deluded them

Anime is Japan’s revenge on the west for the nukes we sent. Had we nuked those imperialist bastards more, and earlier, we would’ve been able to get China on our side instead of the soviets, and never had to worry about anime.

Nazi regime is now equal to transphobia? How utterly insane.

I've never understood the term transphobia. No one is scared of trans people. What people are scared of is the fact that rational people who think it should be obvious that we, as a society, shouldn't indulge obviously mentally ill peoples delusions are being cast as hateful bigots. It's absolutely ridiculous.

Pfft poland isnt even nazi, just more tradionalist which I respect

That's how WW2 started, the allies were super pissed at the Nazis for misgendering people so they declared war

We all know Mein FĂźhrer was an anime tomboy sissy slut femboy catgirl that was fed up with trads.

Transphobia is worse sweaty

I hope it's the presentation that made me laugh, but hope is shit.

If you mean presentation of the meme I just made it more stretched out and pixelated because somehow its funny.

Pretty much; and separating the comments with the meme itself.

Ironic how the country who were invaded by the Nazis and didn't want them there embraces anti-LGBT+ laws and views.

Everybody knows WW2 broke out when homophobic incel nazis tried to cancel TRANS RIGHTS, only to be stopped by US and the Soviets who were staunch LGBT allies.

"wdym the soviets didnt support trans right???"


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Lenin loved enbies but Stalin was a truscum.

No direction and it talks about meaningless garbage posts on reddit. This sub is like something beneath reddit, eating whatever shit falls out of its ass. Pathetic and cringe. End your existence, all of you.


  1. shitty meme followed up by the wors... -,

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We need to bring back Winston Churchill

Churchill hurt the Nazis tho

Nah he was mostly a failure in his career. He really only got it right after everyone else fucked up worse during WW2.


That bottom comment...

I need to sit down for a while.

This retard thinks people weren't anti lgbbq before nazis

Yes. Poland didn't want the nazis there. Because they wanted a multicultural LGBTQ society free from christianity, engulfed by islam and judaism and ruled by their Disney overlords.


Spierdalaj, pedał pojebany

Szkoda mi takich ludzi. Wychowywać chore psychicznie dziecko kiedy jedyne czego chcesz to żeby twój syn był szczęśliwy



pour one out for crying pops

Allahu miej litości nad tym piekielnym stworzeniem

I genually feel bad about the dad,imagine spending years just to end up with this.

This guy thinks that the Holocaust could be linked to transphobia what?! So not wanting to be around mentally ill people is a bad thing?

God that post is depressing

Don't have kids