Mommy DeVos rewrites Title IX requiring cross-examinations I’d both accused *and* accused - people who hate due process seethe in the replies

1  2020-05-06 by ShemaleSlammer


No, you and your Slytherin brother are the worst!

Nah. You want to know who’s really the worst? Relating everything in your life to a young adult book reference.

Bitch offers Reiki classes.

Reiki (霊気, /ˈreɪkiː/) is a form of alternative medicine called energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.

She unironically believes in witchcraft.

Y'all can't behave.


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due process throwing eggs at a r*pe victim while my high-powered lawyer grills her until meltdown 😎

If nobody does this it was all for nothing.

Due process what is this America

Who cares so long as faculty members are free to rape however many they want woo woo

I will Venmo $5 to send to OP to help fund his retardation surgery. What even is that title?