My sweet capeshit setup u jelly?

1  2020-05-06 by WeAreLostSoAreYou


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Why do I find this so weird.

Because it’s weirdly sexualized capeshit 🤣.

That and it's basically the only thing remotely interesting in the whole set up. The guy has constructed a space devoted to showing the weirdly sexual artwork. It's bizarre that this is paired with the concept of working from home.

Haha yeah, that's right. They're pretty quirky pics huh? Well if you look closer, you'll see something a LITTLE devious... they are, in fact, drawn with heavy sexual overtones... I don't think I need to explain any further. These images obfuscate the sexual context by presenting Marvel characters, but high IQ Marvel Fans like myself know what's going on. Haha, yeah... not the neat little Marvel art you thought it was, huh?

Haha haha you thought I was just into superheroes but really I’m porn addicted and love referencing it in my daily life, even to total strangers hahaha got u good idiots



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I'm hard

What propaganda? Where would they hear it? Because they hear the exact opposite from: every TV station, all of Hollywood, the entire education system from kindergarten to postgraduate, all large political parties in the Western world, every tech platform bar none, and any other established entity. Hearing the truth from shitposters on extremely fringe internet forums, in the face of full-spectrum brainwashing from birth, does in fact make one more of a free thinker.


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Why you gotta keyboard on an ironing board?

virgin stool vs chad chair

why does his room have so much nothing

What kind of fucking psycho uses a stool for an office chair?