1  2020-05-06 by Chessen113


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In my country it is just so unbelievable that people are actually racist and that coloured people actually get shot and beaten by law enforcement and they make terrible excuses for why they do it. How the hell did the USA get to that stage? We are all equal here and we get along without assaulting and killing each other, so why does it still happen in the states?

lmfao, i fucking hate redditors jfc what a galaxy brain take

I'll do you one better tho, the US is in its twillight years, it's stranglehold on international politics must and will come to an end, maybe then they will be held accountable for their limitless atrocities. They sure deserve it

Lol at all these haters, i bet id be salty too if my country still hadnt been to the moon after more than half a century since burgers did.

Here in the UK, especially London we are extremely multicultural and it doesn’t cause anywhere near as much issue as it seems to in the US. There definitely is racial profiling by police, disproportionate arrests of young black men etc but in general it feels a hell of a lot safer here than the US (I know I’m generalising by saying US but I’m unfamiliar with specific states and their prevalence of racial issues)

bongs mad x1776

Germany recency accepted 2 million migrates, yet we are still not gunning down people in the streets for no reason.

i love all the hyperbolic takes from ignorant europoors that unironically believe the >be american, get shot meme

Here in the UK, especially London we are extremely multicultural and it doesn’t cause anywhere near as much issue as it seems to in the US.

🤔 Wasn't there something about like, some kind of problem with hair stylist gangs? I think they were hair stylists because they say the gangs groom? Some kind of gangs that groom... They say the gangs have groomed hundreds of thousands of children in the UK, and counting. Idk just something I read somewhere

sounds like a good cause tbf

Yeah "innocent"

I have it on good authority that he was in fact a good boy and that he dindu nuffin

Ok retard

Jews did this


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