Deuxcels on their day off

1  2020-05-07 by DonnaHightower


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Lipstick on a pig


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What is this?


Let's unpack this sweetie. Is my favorite saying on here.

it’s a gay/ironic copypasta

Does he just have a word document ready to go? Or is this on his clipboard at all times?

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Uh oh.

I just copy the text of the last time I made the comment, man. Don’t make me downvote u again 🤔

Be careful bro. If you keep this up I may have to call you a fag.


if only I was literate

That's a lot of lipstick.

That's a lot of pig.

I see Ursula from the little mermaid


This is who’s calling you an incel virgin on Reddit

Imagine being you tho, yikes


oh I know this one...

I Killed The Fat Bastard


Y’all every see the 80’s movie “House”? It is about a Vietnam vet who moves into a haunted house. The resemblance is uncanny.

Good eye. They're practically twins!

I am still fucking laughing. I hate this how did we come to this? We put a man on the fucking moon. Time for a cigarette.

It's literally all over lmao. 200 years was a good run but I don't think any civilization could ever recover from the current situation culturally. I'm completely resigned from politics and determined to milk my first world privlege for all it's worth before things blow up and we end up driving around the desert in caravans looking for oil

I need accelerationism because I don’t want to be elderly in the wastelands getting my bussy blasted by some heathen zoomers.

trust me, your old withered busshole wouldn't be worth anything to those zoomers. You'd get the rope for sure.

Active in: incels without hate lmao

You guys are pathetic, these weirdos aren’t single handedly destroying the fundamentals of western society they’re just fun to laugh at sometimes. men like the weirdo in the picture is the reason we need feminism, to protect women against perverts.

Imagine feeling threatened by a weird-ass troid, when you’re a man, lol

um seethe more sweaty

Um imagine yourself as the king of a post apocalyptic landscape more sweaty. Incels rise up right?

ooga booga


fucking based

King shit

Avtove in: smuggies

Imagine my surprise, my heckin surprised facerino upon discovering that you’re an incellerino basederino🤪🤪BASED. Holy shit BASED! Holy shit feminism is le bad le trolled le ebic style libcuck libtard trolled hard jews bad rite!?



Le basedpillerino!! Fuck you nazi


Le based red pill!! Incel fun time!! Mgtow jordan petersonr/thedonald!!!

What are you doing here? This is a sub for centrists, not fucking femcel radfems lmao




uuuh we need feminism because gender roles are too restrictive oh whoops faggots in dresses try to fuck lesbians now that wasn't real feminism. Actual feminism is protecting women against the things feminism created.

You know how to protect against perverts? Stop leaving your house without your husband.

Seething, feminism didn’t create «lesbian» straight guys lol, men did that themselves.

They literally just read your stupid books and found that they could take advantage of the entire thing if they wore a dress.

Like you must see that taking feminism seriously is what created the vulnerability in the first place. The evil patriarchy of the pre-feminism era would have never fallen for it in a million years.

My stupid books? What books have I written? What do you know about my beliefs?

why would i wanna protect women

these weirdos aren’t single handedly destroying the fundamentals of western society

No-one is claiming that, low IQ-cel. They're however a symptom of a society in decline, a long with other signs like uncontrolled mass immigration, nonexistent birth rates, exploding rates of obesity etc.

They’re a symptom of males

Moon landing was fake retard

We put a man on the fucking moon

Our goals were changed for us.

is it like that disney channel original "Smart House"?

No, that's based off the classic deadmaufive song, ``The Veldt,'' based on the Ray Bradbury short story ``The World The Children Made,'' and later published as ``The Veldt'' in the anthology book The Illustrated Man.

Who’d want to live in a house that looked like that?

I was thinking the fat cenobite from Hellraiser


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Great movie

I thought this was Josh Gadd in a dress.

how do you get that much fat directly to your head

This bitch skull mogs Jocko lmfaooo


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There must be some other medical thing going on there. That head is storing way too much fat for that body. Maybe he’s wearing a Kevlar fat girdle

Ummm her preferred pronouns are she/her so please stop misgendering her...


Why do these autists feel the need to use their full name as their username? Like I swear, use something that's not associated with your transformation fetish.

Not the name on their birth certificate they dont care lmao

For the same reason they use anime avatars.

It's all part of the character.

I once dated a post-op pre-op lifeguard.

Mtf or Ftm? I'd imagine ftm



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So you know "she's" a real girl and not a fat man who whacks it to lesbian porn 10 times a day.

That's actually sad..

Mommy gib milkies

Those milkers are made of plastic. Also they're not even implants I bet.

Is that the fat woman from Thrift Shop but with the dress' colours reversed?

Lel that is one depressing profile to read through. Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde

The poor wife lmao


r/brapbarn, analyze the chemistry of the mixed hormone braps


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literal fucking pig looking thing

I don't know what I'm looking at and I'm scared. Someone please hold me (no Homo). Okay full Homo. Someone please fuck me.

A hog that escaped the ranch! Wrangle him back!

In times like these it’d be foolish not to save a Brap Bull of this magnitude. Appears to be a Schwarzwald Bloater, native to southern Germany.

Us ranchers gotta stick together

Oh. My. God.

You’re incel, red pill and consumeproduct. Lmao the holy trinity. You’re fucking pathetic incel.

Ok, r/drama jannie

You seem pretty upset bud. There’s nothing wrong with Brap Ranching, alright? Now being a methanehead is a whole ‘nother thing in and of itself. But fer me, I just live a simple life- feed my hogs everyday, collect braps, grill, and watch late night television.

Seriously check out this guy’s post history. Wtf is wrong with you? When did deux become an incel haven??

Uhh who fucking cares?

People who don’t like incels and four chang redpills. Are you a redpill or something?

Incels aren’t redpilled retard

LMAO a wild one! Hello pathetic incel!!!

Hi 👋 I😍 Was 😜 just 👍 commenting😄 and ‼️ hope😦 you 😇 have 💪 a 💻 great 😁 day 😎

who gives a fuck faggot

Rightoids seeeeeething

Bro look at this fucking coward

you look like pic related

You look like a fat, greasy neckbeard that's never gone on a date

but I have a girlfriend :(

Excuse me misgendering a beautiful little princess like her is a violation of the law. Stay where you are. The RCMP (or FBI if you're American) will be there to arrest you shortly.

stfu europoor.

good god

Turns out being super fat helps you pass

what the fuck is that thing LMAO

A woman?

Are you gay?

AHS mods

Man hands

Hey if that warthog wants to transition into a woman, it's its right.

Dude has a comment about how trans isn't in a data post, admitting trans aren't actual women. He also refers to Alicia in third person, guy is clearly unstable af.

Wait what, where did you find that comment

Just check their comment history it was very recent, didn't scroll or anything.

mogs me

la travesti obeso...

La creatura...

It's just orbiting around this creature

an obese crossdressing schizoposter? HUMINA HUMINA!

We’ve struck gold

theyre actually pretty common. once you add diapers, ebegging, and cock mutilation though, then the story arc improves drastically.

This is the ugliest tranny I've ever seen. I'm honestly kind of impressed.

You haven’t seen shit


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Is this your first tranny sighting? 😂😂

Wait until you see el atrocidad

I live with a tranny and I've seen about 10 of them in person. You are right though, that goblin is even worse than this soyboy in a dress.

I live with a tranny


and I've seen about 10 of them in person.

How? What kind of tranny hellhole do you live in

She invites trannies that she meets on discord. The worst part is hearing their fake falsetto voices piercing throughout the house.

I want to die.

Cute and hecking valid anime girl

what is that

Literal monsters

El monstruo...

always with the dollar store wig

I don’t care if they do this faggot shit. Just stay out of the ladies room when my daughter is in there


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Red pill

Whats almost as cringe is that OP is unironically a foid lmao.

Ive never seen someone with such a high level of facial fat storage. That guys wattle is like the go to place for fat

You wish I would delete my one and only amazing Reddit account, lol. Go delete another one of yours troll, lol


  1. Deuxcels on their day off -,

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Fuck you

I mean she is ugly, obese and doesn't pass, but she has a positive outlook on life and that's what really matters, while you guys are constantly unhappy because you're always looking for people to feel superior to, instead of looking for the simple joys of life.

Sorry love but this one's a Hard no from me.



Nice bait

I can feel superior to people and look for the simple joys in life.

I just downvoted your comment.


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The amount of karma (points) on your comment and Reddit account has decreased by one.

Why did you do this?

There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to:

• Rudeness towards other Redditors,

• Spreading incorrect information,

• Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a /s.

Am I banned from the Reddit?

No - not yet. But you should refrain from making posts and comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy.

I don't believe my comment deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it?

Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.

How can I prevent this from happening in the future?

Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct. Remember: Reddit is privilege, not a right.

I hope somebody somewhere actually said this unironically?

nice bate fagget

Active in: consumeproduct and incelswithouthate

Wow, fuck off incel red pill.

but she has a positive outlook on life

Magic 8-ball says you have a 42% chance of being wrong


quad I knew you'd be here to simp for the troid and I appreciate you for it