How many more people have to die from corona virus(not morbid obesity) before we wake up and flatten the curve?

1  2020-05-07 by Kat_B0T


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Well she did eat more calories in her 29 years then the average person does in a 100

She loved:

Dogs - hot dogs

Tea - with 10 tsp sugar

Taylor Swift - background eating music

pictured on left: the chad brapbarn poster

the smirk makes this comment so good

I'd be grinning if I got 29 years out of a prime sow like that!

The man got off the hook just before the braps turned sour, as well.

I swear to God I lurk around some weird internet corners and the brapbarn still escapes me to this day. God damn, I wish I was more autistic so I could find the humor in women farting.

damn city slicker

Theres nothing funny about a woman farting

Don't be jealous, city boy. Y'all never lived yonder to know the pleasure of a good hog.

  • Dale

Get Reddit for braphone

Yeah it seems weird just reading about it like that... But try and find a local brap rancher in your region, once you got a whiff of homegrown brap you'll get it

I posted this there on r/brapbarn

I was pissed because I wanted to post it but your caption is funnier than the one I had in mind.

I was too late tho, after I posted it I saw that someone else posted it (and his caption was better :( )

I dident even know what brapbarn was intil just now, looks like a good time.


We needed to flatten her curves

How many people have to die before we do something about dropping pianos?!

a nice dog pill in there as well

jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. How many more people have to die fr... -,

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The corona virus is discriminating against plus size women?!😧

Life itself discriminates against plus sized women.

From disease to predators, fatty gonna get it first.

flatten fatten the curve

The guy "freedom!"

That brap farmer lost big on this one.

This makes The Architect smiles.


she could have flattened the curve just by sitting on it.

instead, she likely had diabetes and/or heart disease from being a fat fuck. and this virus gives a total middle finger to the fat acceptance movement.

This virus is the cleanser that we not only need, but deserve.


Reinstein eh

based name tbh. what's yours? smith? cope harder fat boy

based on what?

on the river you retrard


i wonder why this author is writing useless retarded articles wonder what her dad does for a living

She looks so excited. I bet she's imagining him naked and coated in BBQ sauce.

When I die tell people I love tea

No, we will say you loved dick.

If a braphog falls when it dies and no one is around, does it make a sound? 🧐🧐

is that achievable natty?


Really causes my synapses to fire

When can we fatten the curve?

She went from drowning in lard to drowning in her own fluids


i feel like beating the corona virus is probably like the equivalent effort of like running a mile or something really mundane like that, and if you can't run a mile you just die. and that will account for millions of deaths in the US



The virus flattened her curves.

I hope loving Taytay is not what did it.

... and nothing of value was lost. Amen.

she flattened the Earth