Color and creed doesn’t mean you can’t be a SIMP

1  2020-05-07 by CasanovaNova


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That dude 100% wants you to plow his wife.

I like to fuck deep In The Money so her Mario coins drop on every stroke.

You have to have it big and deep enough for quality strike prices deep ITM

Just be sure you pull out before the earnings report, or she'll be stuck carrying the bag till at least next quarter.

That’s not how options work

I have the right, but not the obligation, to cum on your wife. All on margin.


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This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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Imagine being such a cuck in discord that you willingly stay in a JAIL CHANNEL instead of fucking off.

Shut up AJ the Noob. Imagine thinking any of this really matters when my portfolio being up is all that matters to my wife and I.

i heard a lot of these radleft discords basically make people provide ridiculously embarrassing blackmail video just to get in.

like it came out that one of the chapotraps channels got outed as having their applicants fuck themselves in the ass with a big black dildo, jerk off and then drink their own cum and piss. in the same video, they're required to say it's all consensual, show mailing bills with their real name, their ID, and all that shit, so that they're basically doxxing themselves in a video where they're doing ultra-embarrassing shit. it makes it so the group leadership has unequivocal power over them, and people are basically forced to follow the hysteria or they will be publicly outed as a degenerate. that's why these cucks willingly stay. and seeing as you need to have serious mental damage to go through with that shit in the first place, it's no wonder why they put up with it.

I badly want to fraudulently gain access to these spaces, but I can’t see any value in it whatsoever.

is this a copypasta or is this ur fresh jerkoff fantasy

i wish it was pasta. some chapotraps posted screenshots of the initiation. no joke, many of them are closeted troids. i'll need some brainbleach to remove that memory.

oh yeah i guess rip

Exactly I’m secretly relieved I’m banned. They’re just incels trying to afford a waifu

When's your Deux update video coming out?

Very soon, my wife’s birthday is coming so I’m trying to make as much as I can before it

Just have her boyfriend take her out

Imagine I have girlfriends who take me out to sleep with my wife


Dilate lol