Siegecels get heated over cosplay

1  2020-05-07 by RoboCombat


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I believe we can achieve global peace if we were to commence with the final solution to the simp problem. I know it would be a long and difficult road but it may be the only way to save our way of life.

This, but unironically.


  1. Siegecels get heated over cosplay -,

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Wtf is cosplaying even good for?

It's a parasitic relationship between boring women and mental midgets.

Nothing. It's just a way for whores (attention or literal) to exploit the easiest market imaginable, the intersection of simps and g*mers. And this foid can't even manage that lmao

Cosplay is just Halloween for people with daddy-issues.

She has an OnlyFans, too.

You can’t make this shit up.

The average age of a /r/rainbow6 user is about 12. So even literal children are calling her out.

Average rank is silver 2 so yeah subhuman for sure

Hey u/littlespoonz_ , what's your onlyfans page?


How much money have you made from the incels who sign up?

I have recieved more hate on my first day of reddit than any other social platform i am on, blows my mind

That's just cause incels pervade both sides here, the ones who buy from you, and the ones who hate on you. They are a growing movement everywhere. Makes me so thankful I'm gay, tbh

Bro that’s like gay doe 😡😡

Lol, that's the point

Go to 4chan, Reddit hate is pitiful compared to there

That’s surprising, since you’re providing such a valuable service.

Man I have never seen more mad about skin on a woman its insane

Haters gonna hate.

NOOOO no my fapperinos

whats your relationship like with your father

We are super close and he supports me 100% We play games together and shit, its pretty great

How much for licking your elbow while you show your anus?

Half a subway sandwich and crisp high five

What will you do once your used up and no one wants to pay to see your vagina anymore and no company will hire you?

implying thots have an endgame