It was quite a grind studying... But it finally came in the mail! I graduated from Prager University!

4  2020-05-07 by veachh


It says at the bottom that this survey came from Pew Research, which is supposed to be a legitimate source of data. I have a little bit of experience working with survey data, and at least half of these questions are heavily loaded and would be thrown out if the survey conductors were trying to get legitimate results.

Really makes you wonder what else the troid “researchers” are citing as “science” that is really just a pre-drawn conclusion from a shoddily put together attempt at doing “research”.

Aced the test btw

You want to be a reviewer in some gender crap field and stand up and reject a paper because it's too skewed towards trans rights?

average peer reviewer:

Lol what a retarded "quiz". Half of these questions are complete bullshit or require deeper knowledge that the general public just don't have. I got pretty much 50/50 but reading the description they directly contradict one another. The retards making this test are so stupid its no wonder they're in social "sciences" and not stem

The state should make sure that a certain percentage of doctors specialize in transgender medical services and there should be a special certification in transgender medicine.

i don't even believe that the government should affect what jobs people can/will take, but disagreeing with this is transphobic lmao.

The state has a responsibility to further research into sex transitioning so that transgender people can receive functional sex organs of the gender they identify as.

1 in every six people will die from cancer but we need sex organs for the 0.5% that want them and if you disagree you're transphobic


this test is a fucking joke

I love how the first one asks two different questions and asks you if you agree or disagree

I got pretty much 50/50

Lol gay

Yes. I fuck both men and w*men because why shut out 50% of the population? I've yet to come across a tr*nny but I'll fuck them too tbh

Based and Sodomy-pilled.



here's a link for you brainlets that can't use google

26 questions.......ain't nobody got time for that.

Fuck. I got 98% trans-skeptic

Your HRT pills are being delivered

📸 *SNAP*

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🤖📸 Neat!

I'm 76%. Guess I should just get the knife out and get choppin', huh?

I did it honestly and got 84% trans skeptic

Got 96 percent skeptic. Left 2 questions that didnt make any fucking sense

I got tripped up on Question about on non-trannies understanding trannie issues. I obviously don't, but it's the same for every mental illness and I don't think anyone is suggesting we take the schizophrenic's word for it either!

The radio is telling me to kill the president, bigot

I think about 4 of the questions didn't make sense at all. I sort of got what they mean but the scale where you put what you think just didn't correspond with the question.

Edit: I got 98% Trans-skeptic

99.9% or less score = automatic fail

Damn this idrlabs faggotry at least don't ask the same question twice.

can I get the test source?

dable you dable you dable you dot eye dee air labs dot com slash tranoid test

did you phoneticize r as air?



Bruh, I got given a full ride scholarship

IDRLabs also has some based videos about Star Wars and Rey being a Mary Sue


Very proud of you son.

Give it up folks, einstein over here has something to say. What's that buddy? Wha- A grammatical error?!? WHAT?!? B... Bu... That can't be possible! Surely not! A GRAMMAR MISTAKE? IN MY SIGHT?!? What a great, absolute miracle that you and your 257 IQ Brain was here to correct it! Thank you! Have my grattitude, Actually, What's your cashapp? I'd like to give you 20$... Know what? While we're at it have the keys to my car. Actually, no, scratch that. Have the keys to my house, go watch my kids grow up and fuck my wife. Also, my Paypal username and password is: Ilikesmartazzes4 and 968386329. Go have fun. Thank you for your work.


  1. It was quite a grind studying... Bu... -,

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We got the same score!!!

wow!!!! khazar milker chestbump? 😏😏

Let's make it a threesome!

Let's make it a Khazar dairy farm!


I too got a perfect score...feels good

the only test a deuxcel can truly achieve

achieve what?

Achieve being based

Achieve being based on what?


like based on a book? like based on a true story? what based? what are you trying to say?

Based on Epstein's cell footage.


Weak, I got the same as op

What was the correct answer for whether kids are old enough to know their gender? I wasn't sure which is side is pro-trannies so I remained neutral just in case 😎😎😎

There were two trick questions, the one where they ask if trannies should be at least 18 years old, that one was strongly agree, and the correct answer for if children are NOT old enough to know their gender, that one was also strongly agree


23% trans-sympathetic?

Congratulations on coming out as a troid.

83% transskeptic here, reaffirming my distaste for anime avatars.

17% faggot

I got 94%

I got 98%

Like half the questions on this aren't measuring whether I'm against trans people but whether I'm a communist or libertarian. Like the capitalist one, trans people being disadvantaged because of the unfair nature of capitalism is literally a good thing about capitalism, people crippled by a mental illness are less capable on contributing and thus earn less. But I'm sure answering yes on that question is going to imply I think that is a bad thing about capitalism and some blue haired harpy is going to quote it as me supporting xir's desire to dismantle capitalism.

its not a bug, its a feature

100% but what is the question about having to be 18 years old? You don't get to disagree with it altogether, you're either for allowing conversion to children or allowing conversion after someone hits 18? You can't outright be against it altogether? And this is based on a Pew Research survey? 😂

Only got 75%. Ah well, it's at least a B.

I got %41 sympathetic.

I got 54% sympathetic and 46% skeptic but I consider the arguments of both sides, and don't just blind follow what one side says is the correct opinion of transgenderism, so that makes sense.

uh oh ok troid lover

Ahem, troids are child groomers

how many troids aka anime "girls" have you assfucked in the last week?

only one last week, but it was a bad week.

I knew Quad would be here. The amount of dislikes your comments get is a good indicator of how many MDEfugees there are. People have no respect for bussy these days 😴

The more downvotes a comment gets the more people are seething at the truth

r/enlightenedcentrism 😎😎🤣😜

Nice, that's a good score.

but I consider the arguments of both sides

I did too, but one side was mentally ill, so I didn't have to consider it very long.

Based centrism