Found a schizo👁️👁️post extraordinaire. Complete with"electromagnetic assaults" "electronic rape", and the "induction of forced orgasms". Check it out before the CIA niggers delete all traces of it and ship you off to their moon prison for reading this title

4  2020-05-07 by why_did_he_do_it


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Lol was just gonna day that’s some brilliant effort right there

They tf do we let a femoid on this sub?

Man, why can't the cops do this shit to ME? You know how hot a burly man in police uniform giving me forced orgasms would be? Lucky bastard.

Try claiming you're a hooker to attract those hunky undercover cops

Also:based glowniggers getting zoomers to sop playing videog*mes

Bertram Benson Altitude Lilypad

Edit: Apperantly someone else also posted a thread from /r/gangstalking a few minutes ago. This is legitimately just a coincidence

"I cant't aim for shit. Fucking government mind control"

R.I.P to that girl you called a slut in class today, she was a virgin🔐 . the pregnant girl walking down the street, she got raped . the boy you called lame he has to work to support his family . the girl you pushed down the other day, she's already being abused at home. the girl you called fat, she's starving herself . the boy you made fun of for crying, his mother is dying👼 . think you know them? You have no idea... Guess what? 99% of y'all don't know what people going through


  1. Found a schizo👁️👁️post extraordinai... -,

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Alright, this is fuckin based

induce 'forced orgasms', induce 'phantom touch sense' (which they use on my private parts), cause 'violent itching with preference for hard-to-reach areas' (like inside my ears and on my private parts while trying to fall asleep), and more.

I don't see a problem here 🤔

For more schizzo content check r/dangerous_tech there’s some interesting people there.

Also r/TargetedEnergyWeapons

Based. Followed this dude and upvoted all his posts