Just your average goys

2  2020-05-07 by kelnaascs


Another coincidence, how many are we up to now

(7 as of now


Thought estimate, 6 millionish

dunno, sounds a little too high for me

87, maybe 88 or so now


6 gorillion


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seethe harder rentoid



rentile alert

I'm saving up to buy a house. In cash. Because I don't believe in taking out loans.

Those are some funny last names there, you filthy fucking kik-I mean, my wonderful Hebrew friend.

The more chappos they evict the better hahaha

Nah fuck landlords they’re the worst

K millenioid

Yeah I’m young mang

Purely socioeconomic factors! Wait wrong line....

Holy hell, at least 10 of those names are Jewish. I understand it is purely a coincidence, though.

Indeed, AFAIK Jews are very modest and behaved. Weinstein and Epstein are perfect examples. I guess it just lies in their nature.

I only counted 17 Steins on this list, anti-semite.

The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Just your average goys - archive.org, archive.today

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I never understood this talking point.

All this says is (((they’re))) smarter and do capitalism better than you ✡️🤭✡️

Tru. If you want to hate on ((them))) for doing capitalism better than you, you must first acknowledge capitalism is bad

To be fair. By /pol/ logic of survival of the fittest, If they control the world, then technically they deserve to rule us.

Some only have 1 or 2 buildings? Fucking landlets 🤢

How do you rack up over 10 violations per unit on average?

suck it rentoid. you should pay a small-nose tax ontop of your rent, tbh

Very antisemetic

How so?

Purely coincidences goy. Nothing to see here, let's open more Funko Pops instead!

wtf I hate landlords now. Let's start a violent revolution against landlords!